Chapter 1 - New Guy

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George parks his car in a rush and rushes into the school, looking around desperately for Bad. He'd promised to meet with him early before school as they didn't share many classes and wanted to spend time with him. He walks to the library and around the corner where his friends usually sit and he spots Bad, a black book in his hand and reading glasses slowly sliding down his nose. His friend picks up his presence and waves at George to come over to which he does. George sits on the cushion next to Bad and looks over Bad's shoulder at his book.

'Whatchu reading there, Bad?' he asks and Bad quickly puts his bookmark in and closes the book before George could read more than a word. He puts the book next to him, in a way that would mean that George couldn't see the cover. Bad studies his friends face for a minute before shaking his head.

'Nope, I'm not putting up with you, muffinhead, you're going to laugh at me,' Bad says simply and takes off his glasses and puts them in their case before putting them in his bag and George slaps his chest dramatically in offence.

'I would never! Name one time I've laughed at you,' He says and Bad bites his lip and squints his eyes, deep in thought, before saying,

'That time when I slipped in the bathroom and instead of helping me up, you and Snapmap laughed at me!' George laughs.

'I mean, you were staring at poor Skeppy, who was simply washing his hands and you got distracted which made you slip in the only tiny bit of water there was. How is that not funny?' Bad made a little noise and pulls the strings on his hoodie to hide himself which makes George smile softly before pulling him into a side hug. 

'You know what, don't worry about it Bad,' George said and Bad groans and his head flops into George's lap, groaning with embarrasement and George just chuckles and pats his head. 

"There, there Bad. I'm sure Skeppy's hands can do more then just washing," And he grins when Bad sends him a death stare.

George looks over and with his other hand, picks up the Bad's book. The design of the cover was simple, black with pale hands cupping an apple. It was obvious that it was Callahan's old Limited edition Twilight book. George nods to himself and slips it back into Bad's bag before a muscular raven haired by comes storming to them and tackles onto both Bad and George, making them both cry out. 

'Wassup Bitches!" Sapnap says with a grin but Bad's not happy.

'LANGUAGE! SAPNAP GET OFF ME RIGHT NOW!' Bad screeches and Sapnap does a commando roll backwards off the both of them. Bad mumbles something and George rolls his eyes at Sapnap.

'Dramatic much?' He asks and Sapnap shrugs playfully with a grin.

'Anyway, Q said there's a new guy coming to the school! Apparently he got kicked out of his old school or something, dunno his name though,' Sapnap shrugs again and helped Bad struggle up before the bell went and he immediately walked away.

'Sappy can be so annoying sometimes,' Bad grumbles as the two of them walk to their first class. They walk in and sit down in a seat as the room filled up slowly. At last, the teacher walked in and claps loudly once, it booming through the class room, making the class quickly fall silent.

'Good. Today we have a new student joining the school so everyone welcomes Dream!' He says as a boy in a green hoodie walks into the room. 

His green eyes shine as the sun hits it when he looks up, making a soft yellow tinge and dirty blonde shaggy hair. He has a clip in his hair, a lemon, as well as a lemon earring. 

The class are judgementally silent, all eyes on him as Dream sits down next to George and looks down at the table, ignoring everyones eyes. 

Throughout class, Dream gets glances, looks and whispers about him, everyone muttering his name but he doesn't give them any attention. 

He actually seems pretty happy and comfortable in his seat swaying his head slightly to a song that was silent. Whenever someone would look at him for him that was obvious, he'd do a small wave. It seemed more that he thought they were saying hi to him then talking about him negatively. He seemed like one of those people who was too pure for their environment, which in this case was a room filled with moody, rude teenagers that would vape whenever the teacher turned his back.

Dream reminded George of Bad. Bad was simple, but kind and loving and that was the energy Dream was giving off. He seemed innocent and didn't seem to mind what people said about him. Throughout the class, George could continually smell a faint whiff of citrus, which he heard from the people closer to Dream that it was him. When class was over, Bad walked off to his next class while George wandered over to his locker, Dream following him.

'Hi!' Dream says softly and George was stuck on what to say. He seemed nice and kind of cute but Sapnap quickly came around the corner from his class and picks George up like a bride and George laughs as Sapnap looks down at Dream judgementally.

'Sorry Darl, but he's taken,' Sapnap says as he walks off with George in his arms. George was always embarrassed by these public displays of affection, but he doesn't mind too much as he rests his head against Sapnaps shoulder as he carries George. 

'That was the new guy,' George explains as they walk past the swarms of teenagers around them quickly rushing to their class. Sapnap nods and puts him down, George suddenly looking significantly shorter than him.

'He looks kind of weird, Gogy. I would stay away. I've heard all sorts of rumors about him and his old school,' He says and George feels like he has to agree, so he nods.

He hadn't listened to Sapnaps warnings before, and it got him bullied for a long time. And Sapnap was also the one to help George fix his mistakes and became a bully to protect George. Those people were terrifed of Sapnap now, avoiding his gaze always. 

"Stay safe mate." Sapnap says and pats George's head before walking off and George sighs as he walks into the his next class.

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