Chapter 3 - Understanding him

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The next day at school was different. When he walked into school, Dream was already there, sitting on a bench alone, looking at his sketchbook. Instead of the usual urge that George had to quickly walk past him with his head down, he has to go up to him. 

George could tell Dream was super happy that he sat there but tried to continue to stare at his sketchbook, trying to hide his widening smile. Dream suddenly sat up and looked over at George, he obviously couldn't hide it anymore.

'Hey!' He says smiling, which was contagious so it made George smile as well.

'Hi, I'm George,' George says, suddenly feeling awkward as he didn't know what to say. He could only smile at the cute blonde in front of him.

'I know! I'm Dream!' He says excitedly and George nods before smiling,

'You're rather tall for someone who's quiet,' George says and Dream smiles.

'I'm not very social,' he says and looks over to where the buses are dropping people off.

'What are your friends' names?' he suddenly asks and George is taken off guard.

'Uh, Well, the kind bookworm is Bad and the tall one is Sapnap,' He says and Dream nods.

'Okay!' Dream looks back at his sketchbook, which George now sees has a sketch of a group of three, sitting in the order and the way his friends and he sit. There's no detail to the face or clothing, only three silhouettes but he can tell it's George, Sapnap and Bad in their usual spot in the library. Dream picks up his pencil and starts drawing the features of the figure in the middle, who starts to look more like George. Dream quickly looks up at George every now and again, which makes George's heart beat a little faster. This boy had been silently watching and drawing his friends and hanging out and chatting in the library, George realizes.

George watches him draw until the bell went for class to start before Dream quickly scribbles the names above the people 'Bad, George, Sapnap,' and then tore the page out and gave it to George, grinned and ran off to his next class. George quickly started walking to his class looking at the quite detailed picture of his friends and himself mucking around in the library.

'Whatcha got there Gogy?' Sapnap said from behind him, making George jump.

'Nothing,' He said as he folded it up and shoved it into his jacket pocket.

'You know, you can only accept love letters from me right?' Sapnap laughs which makes George laugh and before walking into class and sitting down while Sap keeps walking. George had made sure that he didn't sit in between people this time, so when Dream walked him, he seemed ecstatic to be able to sit next to George.

The whole time during that class Dream was looking over at George and smiling at him, making George feel special. George was the only one this guy would even try to talk to and somehow, George caved, letting the small, cute, blonde boy be friends with him. Or kind of friends.

At lunch time, as George was walking to the library Dream found him and walked along beside him. They walked in silence, however George felt more comfortable with Dream being there rather than awkward. George started to walk over to Bad and Sapnap before Dream grabbed his hand, stopping him.

'Are you okay?' George asks and Dream shakes his head.

'Can we go sit somewhere else please,' he says softly, making George cave and nod. It seemed to make Dream really happy, so he let him take him to a corner of the library, away from Sapnap and Bad. They sat down and George got out his coke and took a sip.

'Sorry, I just know Sapnap won't want me there and I want to sit with you,' Dream says and George smiles.

'It's okay,' he says as Dream gets out his sketchbook and the two of them put their backs to the wall and George silently watches Dream draw.

After the last bell had gone, Dream and George were walking to the front of the school, George having another drawing in his pocket. Just as George was walking Dream towards his bus, Dream tugged on George's shirt.

'Do you wanna come to my house this weekend?' He asked and George hesitates before shrugging.

'I'll have to check if I'm busy or not,' He said and Dream nods with a smile before he waving goodbye and going onto the bus. George smiled and walked to his car, getting in and turning on the radio. Sapnap swung into the passenger seat and started talking about the upcoming game.

'So it should be hard, but shouldn't be unwinnable, you get what I mean?' Sapnap explains as George nods subconciously as he focuses on the road.

'Anyway, I didn't see you at lunch today, how come?' He asks and George shrugs quickly before coming up with a lie.

'Oh, someone wanted help with their homework and they were too nice, I couldn't say no,' He says and Sapnap nods.

'Sometimes you're too nice for your own good. I'm not saying it's bad, it just might get you into shit one day, you know?' George nods as he turns down Sapnaps street. He stops out the front of his house and Sapnap gets out.

'Call me when you get the chance, alright? You don't look so good,' He says and George waves his hand dismissively.

'Don't worry about me Sap, but yeah, I'll call you later,' Sapnap waves and shuts the car door before walking down the path to his house and George pulling out again and towards his own home. His parents wouldn't be home anytime soon, so he might be able to get some homework done.

He gets home and walks up into his room before sitting on his bed and taking out the drawings in his pocket. He unfolded them, one with the three of them talking and one of Dream and George in that exact position they were sitting in the library before. George smiled at it before looking down at the bottom of it, a phone number sitting on the edge of the paper. George smiled before quickly hitting the ring button on his phone and laying on his bed.

Notes: God I love this so much :) hope you guys are enjoying

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