Chapter 7 - Love Is Such A Complicated Thing

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George stops outside Dream's house and goes up and knocks on his door. A lady opens up and she smiles brightly.

'DREAM YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!' She says and Dream comes around the corner blushing and grabbing George's hand and pulling him through the house. George waves slightly to Dream's mother until they get to the backyard where there's a few small trees. George smiles when he realizes what some of them are and walks over to them.

'Be careful,' Dream says as George touches one of the lemons and smiles.

'No wonder you smell like lemons all the time,' George smiles and Dream nods shyly.

'They're one of my favorite things. They just also smell really nice,' Dream says and George looks at him before he realizes both of them are blushing like idiots. He quickly turns around again to look at them and Dream grabs and holds his hand and pulls him along.

'Come here, I've just been planting some new seeds,' He says and he bends down and George goes down with him. Dream shows him how he plants them and how distances they have to be before letting George plant one. George smiles heaps as Dream puts his hand on top of Georges that has the small trowel in it and helps him dig up just enough to plant it. They cover it up and Dreams stands up and George takes his hand to help him up and he's right up close to Dream, looking up at him before Dream bends down slightly to kiss George. It's soft and sweet and George kisses back softly. When they part, Dream kisses his nose and blushes and smiles and George hugs him tightly and Dream holds him tightly back.

Later, they sit on Dream's bed watching a movie, George in Dreams lap cuddling him. They hadn't talked about relationships or anything but it felt so nice and they had just slid into it. George had never embraced Dreams' citric smell so much and it felt like it was covering him in a warm blanket to make him feel safe as the soft fluffy movie played. George suddenly looks up at Dream.

'Hey Dream?' George says and the shy blonde looks down.

'Yeah George?' he says and George smiles at how cute he is.

'You're cute,' He says and Dream blushes heaps and George laughs softly.

'That wasn't what I was going to say but I had to point it out,' Dream smiles before telling him to go ahead.

'You should really tell your mum about the bullying,' He says and Dream suddenly cowers a little so George kisses him quickly.

'No, no it's okay, I'm just saying she might be able to help,' He says and Dream sighs.

'I did at my last school and she ended up pulling me out,' George goes quiet and snuggles into his neck.

'But its getting pretty bad,' George replies and Dream kisses him on the forehead.

'I'll think about it,' He says and George nods at that and soon falls asleep.

When George drives home, it's dark, so he doesn't expect someone to be sitting on his front porch. He parks his car and walks over the porch to see Sapnap, his eyes red from crying.

'You're not usually late home,' He says quietly and George sits next to him.

'Yeah,' George says and Sapnap hiccups.

'You were at Dreams weren't you,' He says and George can't seem to lie to him anymore. So all he says is

Sapnap turns to look at him and George looks at him.

'I'm really sorry for being a prick about him,' He says and George tilts his head.


'Really dude. I miss you and-' He cuts off and pulls George to be closer to him.

'I really like you George. Like more then friends. It sounds weird because we're not in middle school but I really do like you and I really want to be with you,' At that, George starts crying. Sapnap rushes to pull him close to hug him.

'Oh I'm- I'm so sorry!' Sapnap says and hugs him tightly. George cries more and tries to tell him it's okay but it only comes out as sobs.

'Maybe I should go,' Sapnap says and George shakes his head heaps and holds him tighter.

'N- no,' George sobs as he holds Sapnap and Sapnap rubs his back, not knowing what to do.

'Georgie, Georgie, please tell me what's wrong,' He whispers and puts his hand on Georges cheek to hold his face and tries to calm him down from crying. George tries to breath and stop crying, knowing that he's there now and not anywhere else, not ignoring him even after he knew he was at Dreams house.

'I- i re-really like you hic too. But hic I really like Dr- hic Dream too,' He sobs quietly and Sap smiles softly, brushing his cheek.

'It's okay George, it's okay. I like him too,' This surprises George and he looks so confused.

'Hic What?'

'I like Dream too. He's so cute and he's so kind to you and I just really didn't know what to do because he was going to take you away from me and I didn't get the chance at either of you,' Sapnap explains which just makes George sob again and Sapnap kisses his head.

'We'll make it work okay? We could be polyamours but I really don't think Dream will like me after all the things I've said about him,' Sapnap says and George nods and holds him tighter.

'I've liked hic you for so hic long but I didn't hic know what to do because I hic then liked him,' George says and Sapnap kisses his nose and George giggles softly.

'It's okay now Georgie, we'll make it work,' And then George kisses him. It's different to Dreams kiss, rather than soft and sweet, it's more passionate and filled with more built up love then they could ever imagine. He tastes more like the neediness they've both had for the past year and the hard work they've had to do to get to this point. Somehow it tastes like they've finally won the battle they've been fighting for so long to be together. It's more passionate and longer than Dream's kiss but it's just as amazing. It was passionate and harder only because they were so certain, rather than Dream and George's kiss where they both didn't know if it was crossing a line. George holds Sapnaps shoulders as he kisses him and when they part, they're smiling like complete idiots.

'I love you George,' Sapnap says and George smiles and hugs him tightly.

'I love you too,'

Notes: EEEE LOTS OF KISSIES :DDDDD I swear im as happy as if i was just reading this :>>> I'm really happy with how this is going!

Yes don't worry guys, all three are okay with kissies together :>>

Also its okay George and Sapnap say ily and Dream and George didn't. It's only because Sapnap and George have known each other so much longer and knew they liked each other for so long. The other reason Dream and George didn't say Ily is because verbal is not as much Dream's love language as it is Sapnaps :> They knew they loved each other they just didn't feel the need to say it :>

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