Chapter 4 - Is this worth this?

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George and Dream had gotten into a nice rhythm of sitting next to each other every few classes and only at lunch time, rather than both breaks, to not make the others question where he is. Then, after school George would talk about his thoughts, Dream quietly inputting his thoughts. Dream preferred listening to George's voice anyway, he was funny and cute. One afternoon, Sapnap came up to George who was talking to one of his other classmates and tapped him on the shoulder.

'Hey uh, George, I think we should hang out this afternoon, we haven't hung out in a while,' He says and George hesitates, thinking of Dream before looking at Sapnaps face and out of pity for his friend he agreed. He told Dream about this incident later at lunch and he didn't have much to say other than his normal snuggle up to him and quietly agreeing to whatever George was saying. George smiles and pats him and watches him get out his sketchbook, still snuggled up in George's arms and starts doodling whatever he felt like at the time.

After school, George got home and ordered some takeaway, mixed kebabs as Sapnap liked it, and waited for him to get there. He was honestly very happy to hang out, just him and Sapnap. He had honestly missed his friend. He felt horrible, as he sat in the stool in the kitchen, he felt like he had betrayed his closest friend, the boy who really got his heart to flutter. But everything was so confusing and hard. He wanted to hang out with Dream, from how well their interactions always go, however he had been dismissing his best friend for a while. He felt like he had to choose one of them.

Sapnap opens the door and waves, smiling as he sits down before frowning at George's expression.

'Are you okay dude?' Sapnap asks to which George shrugs and hugs him unexpectedly.

'Do you want some food Sap, I decided on Kebabs,' George says and Sapnap nods and smiles and picks his one up with extra chili and sits down next to him. They ate in silence before George's phone started ringing next to Sapnap and Sapnap looked at it before declining it without George's permission. He's offended before he looks up and sees the expression on Sapnaps face. 

'So George, I saw you and Sour lemon sitting next to each other in a few of the classes I was walking by and at lunch,' Sapnap says and George sighs, biting his lip so that he doesn't fight against the nickname. 

'Uh, he just sits with me on occasion, you know how he is, clinging onto me,' George replies and Sapnap nods.

'Right, right. But you haven't been tutoring that sophomore, have you?' Sapnap says non-chantly and George frowns and pauses eating. 

'Oh, hy would you even care?! He's a nice boy. Quiet perhaps, a bit weird but nice. And you can't choose who I hang out with Sapnap!' he says loudly and Sapnap frowns.

'Dude, I'm protecting you! I don't want you hurt again,' he replies and George scoffs.

'Why would I be hurt by Dream? How could I be hurt by someone like him?' George says and Sapnap scoffs.

'You're too good for him, he doesn't deserve you,' He says and George shakes his head.

'You're unbelievable! You can't just- have me all to yourself!' George says and Sapnap looks incredibly hurt.

'Please don't do this George.' He says softly and George sighs.

'I don't know how I'm supposed to do. How do I choose either you or him, Sap?' George asks and Sapnap looks offended and shocked.

'Is it even a choice? Do you have to literally figure it out? I've always been here for you, always stood up and looked after you. He's been a week and yet you've fallen in love with him immediately!' Sapnap shouts and George scoffs.

'Why does it matter you SO much! You're not going to- lose me or whatever if I do like him. Why would it even matter." George exclaims and Sapnap goes quiet.

'Call me when you've come to your senses,' He says and walks out the door, slamming it on his way out.

George sighs and looks at his phone before grabbing it and ringing back the number, not sure despite the fight with Sapnap, still wants to talk to Dream after that. 

Was it really worth it?

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