Chapter 5 - Accidents Happen

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The next day when George walks into school, only Bad was there, reading again and when he sits next to Bad, he sighs and looks up from his book.

"Did you upset Sapnap?" He asks and George sighs and rubs his face with his hands. 

"I- Yeah I did. He's- He's really upset about me hanging out with Dream recently. I don't understand though. Sapnap always stood up to me when I was bullied, why did he have to turn into one?" George explains and Bad sighs. 

"Maybe it's not as straightforward as you think." He replies and George sighs again and lays down on his back. 

"Dunno, maybe."

In George's first class, he sits next to Dream while Sapnap's a few rows up, sitting next to Quackity. Quackity grins and waves at George and George waves back, and Sapnap turns around to look at what Quackity's doing before turning around again.

"Quackity seems not to hate you," Dream offers, the first thing he's said today.

'I don't know what team Quackity is on. He seems to not like you but when I have an argument with Sapnap about you, he's still nice to me,' George replies and Dream smiles.

'Maybe he just doesn't want to pick a team. I think Quackity is only sitting over there because he doesn't want Sapnap to be alone. He probably knows what's going on,' He says before the teacher tells them to shut up and start work.

Later in the library, Dream and George were sitting together, Dream drawing and George talking about class when Quackity came up to them and sat in front of them.

'Hey George, hey Dream,' He says and Dream quickly closes his sketchbook.

'Hey Quackity, what are you up to?' George asks and Quackity shrugs and lays on his back.

'Well, Sapnap seemed pretty angry with you and I saw you guys together so I assume it's something to do with Dream. Listen, I don't mind you guys hanging out, just make sure Sap doesn't think you're replacing him,' He says and George frowns.

'He obviously doesn't like Dream and doesn't like that I hang out with him,' George says and Quackity shrugs again.

'I dunno man, but I think you need to talk to him,' He says and gets up and pats Dream on the head, to which Dream makes a small happy noise at, and waves before walking off to find Sapnap.

'Well that was unexpected,' George states and Dream nods.

'I didn't think he was nice,' he replies and George wraps an arm around him and holds him closely.

'It's okay, Quackity is a good person. Loud perhaps, but a good person,' George says and Dream nods again and huddles up against him more.

Later, Dream and George were walking out of school after the school bell went and George was talking about Minecraft before they heard something coming from the front of the school so they ran to it. There was smack and a screech of a car, but bigger maybe a bus. They ran out the door to see someone lying on the road and Sapnap ran quickly up to the person before he started crying loudly.

'Someone call an ambulance! Now! Quackity has been hit!' He screams loudly and Dream and George looked at each other before a random kid waved her arm in the air.

'It's on its way!' She said and George ran up to Sapnap, leaving Dream behind and bent next to him, who was clearly in a lot of pain

'It'll be okay Quack-' he started but Sapnap looks up angrily at him. 

'I bet this is your fault!' He yelled and George's face drops. 

'How- WHAT?' George shouts and Sapnap was about to yell at him more before Quackity talks, clearly in pain.

'It's okay Sappy, how could it be his fault,' he says and they both stop before George quickly gets up and runs off to Dream again and Sapnap picks Quackity up and waits for the ambulance before getting inside it. George quickly got to Dream before hugging him tightly.

'Lets go George,' Dream said quietly before grabbing George's bag off the ground and passing it to George before they both walked towards George's house in silence. When they got there, George realized that Dream was still there.

'Uh, do you want to come in?' George says and Dream does a small nod and they walk up to his room before George chucks his bag down and lays on his bed. Dream gently puts his smaller bag next to his and crawls into George's arms and cuddles him closely, to which George smiles and holds him closely. It had been a long day and he was too tired to mind the larger boy in his arms. 

Notes: This is literally so cute. It's like Dreams like a dog that thinks its still a puppy and can be picked up and on your lap and stuff when they're actually a huge doggo. >:3 i love this. (ALSO IM SO SORRY QUACKITY ENJOYERS! I SWEAR EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE OKIE) Also yayyayay dreams coming out of his bubble more to talk \o/

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