Chapter 5

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Nini pov:

Ricky was driving us to the restaurant while I sat in the passenger seat. His right hand was resting on my thigh, nearly touching my knee.

"Nini" Ricky suddenly said. I looked at him with a smile "Yeah?" He sighed "When we meet our friends will you eat something?" He questioned me. I turned my head to look out of the window. "I don't know Ricky, but I'll try for you." "Don't try for me, try for yourself." I nodded my head "I will babe."

He took my hand that was resting upon his and kissed it. "I love you Neens" He said with a smile obvious in his voice. "I love you too" I answered him.

There was silence in the car for a bit until he spoke up again. "I've been thinking" That sentence caused me to look at him with worry in my eyes. "You and I aren't getting any younger." I nodded my head as a sign that I understood. "And? What are you trying to say Ricky?"

He sighed "I was thinking that even though we haven't been back together for long that maybe we could think about kids." As soon as those words left his lips I froze. "Kids?" I asked in disbelieve. "It was just a thought, since I remember you always talking about wanting kids by the age of 30. We can wait if you're not ready yet though."

I felt guilty. "Neens? Please say something." I took a deep breath before looking at him. "I can't" I said nearly crying now.

As soon as he saw that he pulled over and pulled me into his arms. "Hey Neens, it's ok" Ricky tried to comfort me while one hand rubbed my back, and one was playing with my hair. I calmed down a few minutes later. I looked at his eyes, which held worry and confusion.

"I want kids Ricky, but I can't have any myself" I told him truthfully. "I'm so sorry for making you cry Nini" He said while kissing my forehead. "It's ok, you didn't know. I'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier, I just didn't want you to hate me." His eyebrows raised in confusion "Why would I hate you?" "I don't know, I guess I was thinking clearly" I lied.

He kissed my forehead again before speaking up. "We could think about adopting, ok? We'll have a kid together, weather it's adopted or not." I smiled at his response "Thank you Ricky, you're the best." He just smiled in response.

A bit later we reached the restaurant. Ricky walked around the car to open the door for me. Then we walked into the restaurant hand in hand. "I knew it!" Kourtney suddenly yelled, which caused me to jump in surprise. "Calm down Kourt" I said while laughing.

"Calm down? How am I supposed to clam down when you are holding his hand again?" That caused Ricky to step in "Kourtney really calm down. Nini and I are back together, happy?" She smiled satisfied "Yes." I just shook my head laughing.

All of our friends were looking at us "What?" I asked them. Gina smirked "Nothing, we are just happy that Rini is back."

When we were seated, he took my hand and squeezed it slightly. I smiled at his cute gesture. He squeezed my hand trice to be exactly, which meant "I love you." Shortly after we got our menus and I started looking through it.

Ricky leaned over to whisper into my ear "You should get the chicken, I had it last time and it feels like you're eating healthy, even if you're not." I shook my head "I will just get a salad, that's a bit bigger than the last one I ate here and maybe steal some of your food" I whispered back. That seemed to satisfy him because he nodded his head in agreement.

We talked until we got our food and then all ate so there was silence. I looked over at my boyfriend plate and suddenly wanted a piece of his steak. „Ricky?" I asked him. He looked at me with an amused smile on his face "Yes babe?" "Could I get a piece of your steak?" I asked him. He nodded his head "With mashed potatoes or without?" I thought about it for a second "With mashed potatoes please" I answered his question with. He chuckled before putting a rather big piece on the fork and then added mashed potatoes. After eating it I nodded my head "This is good."

He smiled and leaned closer to me "Thank you Neens." I just smiled at him in return.

When I looked back at everyone, I noticed that they had been staring at us. "You guys are so cute" Ashlyn complained. I blushed at her comment before I started eating my food once again.

After we finished eating everyone else decided to order dessert, but I knew if I ate some as well, I would just feel bad again, so I skipped it. Instead, I decided to use the toilet.

Ricky pov:

Nini decided to go to the toilet while we ate dessert. "So, Ricky" Kourtney suddenly said. I looked up at her and she continued talking "Do you still want kids?" She questioned me.

I nodded my head "Yes, but if you're trying to tell me that Nini can't have kids I can tell you that I already know." Everyone looked relived when those worlds left my lips. "You guys act like you thought she wouldn't tell me" I said with a chuckle.

They stayed quiet though "Guys?"

Gina sighed "When she found out she was barely 19 and it was hard for her, you know. Neither of us had any idea how to help, which only made everything worse."

"Why didn't you call me back then?" I questioned them. Big red was the one who answered this time. "I was about to, I even had your number opened, but Nini got really mad at me. Why you would have to ask her, but that's why." I nodded my head as a sign that I understood.

We all just continued eating our food when another question formed in my head. "Kourtney?" She raised her head and looked at me. "Yeah?" I sighed "Why did you guys think she would hide this from me? She told me immediately when this came up and she didn't tell me before because she was scared, I would hate her, for some odd reason."

Kourtney looked at me in confusion, while everyone else was holding their breath. "Ricky, you do know that she had a miscarriage, right?"

My eyes widened in shook, which answered her question. "She was pregnant with your child but lost it during her fourth month and a few weeks later she found out that she can't have children anymore."

I was completely speechless. Then my eyes fell on Nini, who was walking out of the bathroom.

Don't hate me please

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