Chapter 7

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Tw: this chapter is probably the most extrem one, please only read it if you are comfortable with reading about eating disorders in an extrem case

Nini pov:

2 weeks, that is how long it has been since Ricky said we should take a break. Since the last time I talked to him or heard his voice.

I knew he was with other women. I saw him a few times while going on a run. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that all the girls looked similar to the way I looked, just skinnier. That just confirmed my suspicion. I had to get skinnier for me to have a chance with him again, I just had to.

I got back from my first run of the day and headed to the kitchen to get some water. Water is my best friend currently, because it fills my stomach and has no calories at the same time. Usually when I have a feeling of hunger, I eat salt, because it has the same affect as water.

Only 2 more weeks before I got back to my old weight. I was proud of myself for getting this far. Sometimes I would get dizzy, but nothing some water could not fix. If it got too bad, I would eat some food with not a lot of calories.

After drinking a glass of water, I hoped into the shower to get the sweat of off my body. After a nice and long shower, I turned my phone on for the first time today.

I looked through all my missed calls and texts. One from Gina, oh wait there are two more, so three from Gina. Two from Kourtney and a message asking if I want to join them for Lunch. One from Seb, Carlos and Ashlyn. Then there was a message from Ricky.

I nearly jumped when I read his name and immediately opened it. To my disappointment it was only a dot. That means he was thinking of texting me though, right? I hoped that was the case.

Maybe he saw me once too and saw that I lost weight. Just as I was about to put my phone away there was another call from Gina. I decided to answer it. "Thank god Neens, I was worried because you wouldn't pick up" She sounded relived. "Sorry, I turned my phone off this morning and just now turned it back on" I said to her, it wasn't a lie, but that was not the reason I haven't talked to any of my friends in 2 weeks.

"I just wanted to check in on you, you know after what happened." I sighed "Yeah, I am actually doing quite well. I'm just waiting for Ricky to hopefully forgive me."

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice in the background saying "Hey Gi, where did you put my clothes?" I nearly dropped my phone when he said that. Did Ricky sleep with Gina? No, she would not do that to me. Or would she? I immediately hang up.

As soon as I was certain that the line was dead, I started sobbing. I had no chance of every getting Ricky back, he moved on with my best friend.

I decided to move to my bedroom and lay down. I snuggled into my pillow and the one hoodie I still had from Ricky. It is the only part I will ever have from him again.

Some people might think I am overreacting, but he truly was the only guy I ever loved. A few hours later I was so tired from crying that I fell asleep. The next day I did not move out of my bed, except to go to the bathroom and get myself a bottle of water. That is how the next few days went.  On day 5 after hearing Ricky's question, I woke up to a headache and the felling of dizziness. It did not bother me much. I have had a feeling similar the day before as well.

I was about to grab my daily bottle of water when there was a knock on the door. "Nini please open the door" I heard Gina yell through the door. My eyes moved to my body and I decided I look fine enough. Maybe opening the door was a stupid idea, but the sooner I did the sooner she would leave.

"Oh thank go-" she cut herself off when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her in a monotone voice. I did not want to fight. I just did not have the energy for it. "Nini you need to lay down, you look like you're sick" she told me with a soft voice.

"I'm fine, now either tell me why you're here or leave" I said. "I wanted to check on you and ask why you so suddenly hung up. Are you mad at me?" Gina asked me. I just rolled my eyes at her before turning around to close the door.

Before I could do that though I fell to the ground and darkness consumed me.

Gina pov:

I was about to tell her to stop walking away when she fainted. I quickly went to her side and checked if she was conscious, which she was not. I immediately called the ambulance, and they took her to the nearest hospital.

Ricky pov:

I was just about to head to work for the day, after work I would go to Nini's apartment and talk to her.

I should have done it 2 weeks earlier, but work was extremely busy. Gina let me crash at her place one night, which I am extremely thankful for.

Just as I got into my car, I got a call from Gina. "Hey Gi, why are you calling?" I asked her. "It's about Nini" Gina said, the fear in her voice was obvious. "What is with her?" I questioned. I was getting more worried by the second.

"She's in the hospital, I'll send you the address." With that she hung up. I quickly called my boss and explained the situation to him, he agreed to give me the day off immediately. On my way to the hospital, I called her moms, who said they would get on the next plane to LA and that I should update them.

As soon as I arrived, I ran into the building. "How can I help you sir?" The nurse at the front desk asked. "My girlfriend Nina Salazar-Roberts is here, can you tell me where?" I asked.

"I can't let you see her if you aren't family or have permission by a family member."

I was a lawyer, obviously I knew the rules. "Her moms have written an email to the hospital saying I was allowed since they currently aren't able to get here for a while." She nodded her head at my statement before typing something on her computer. "ah ok, she's on floor 3 in room 342."

I decided to take the stairs because the elevator is to slow. When I reached the room, I saw Gina standing in front of it. I raised my eyebrows in confusion "Before you ask, I told them I'm her adopted sister."
I chuckled because we all knew Gina was a good liar.

"What happened?" I questioned her. "She fainted in front of my eyes. The doctor didn't tell me anything yet" she answered me. I nodded my head as a sign that I understood.

"Gi, when the doctor comes could you let me talk to him alone? I think I know what happened and I think Nini wouldn't like if you knew." Gina nodded her head in understanding "I get it, just let me know if she's ok or not." "Will do" I told her.

A few minutes later a doctor came out of her room and walked towards me. "Are you the family of Nina Salazar-Roberts?" he asked me. I nodded my head "Yes, I am her boyfriend, and her parents gave me the ok to be here."

"She fainted, which you probably already knew, because of malnutrition. It seems like she has not eaten anything for a few days at least. Do you know if she is suffering from an eating disorder?" I nodded my head "She is, but it was never that bad. I didn't see her the last 3 weeks because we had fight, so I had no idea."

The doctor nodded in understanding "Well for now she is stable, but I would advice you to keep a closer eye on her eating behaviour in the future." I nodded my head "I will do that. Can I see her?" "Yes, she is awake, but she won't talk to anyone."

I sighed before making my way to the door. I opened it slowly and I smiled until I saw her.

This definitely wasn't the Nini I loved. There was barely anything to her, she was basically skin and bones.

I cried while writing this multiple times

I was thinking of doing 2-3 more chapters, depending on how many ideas I get

jealousy, jealousy | rini au ✔️Where stories live. Discover now