Chapter 2

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"You will sleep at the pack house tonight, this is not up for argument." Ethan replies
I roll my eyes, Sarah is my only friend in the pack so far who treats me more than a Luna. She has silky blonde hair and a perfect model type of body. She is a bit taller than me and most of the ladies around here, but I love our friendship. She listens to me every time I moan and complain about Ethan and trust me I complain a lot. She is a lesbian and she doesn't have a wolf, but she has the characteristics of a she-wolf. She is strong and fast like other she-wolves, but she doesn't have a wolf because her mom was a human and dad was a wolf. She has no mate. Her dad was an ordinary wolf, but she says Ethan is an Alpha so our pups will have wolves. Anyway I am sleeping at Sarah's tonight, no matter what Ethan will say or do.
"I am sleeping at Sarah's tonight, whether you approve or not." I walk faster, but of course he grabs my arm and forces me to look at him
"You will do no such thing"
"If you don't acknowledge my presence, why should I sleep with you in the same bed every night?"
"Because I say so"
"So it isn't because I am your mate,it isn't because I am perfect? It isn't because you want to protect me?"
"Perfect? Look at yourself, have you seen yourself from someone else's eyes? You look like you swallowed a hippo or something?"
I stare at him for a second. Oh no he didn't!
"Let me tell you something, I am beautiful and sexy and I love my body and I don't need a man to tell me that I am beautiful, especially you. I will be at Sarah's tonight." I click my tongue and walk away but not before I see Justin. Apparently he tagged along in coming to find me. And now he just heard Ethan shaming me, great.
Sarah's POV
All I rushed in here about 10 minutes ago and she was a beautiful mess. I say beautiful because I kinda like her, I mean how do you tell your best friend that you are in love with her? I know right, it is difficult and I think she will freak out because we are best friends. Ugh, I decided to act on my feelings and follow my heart, she won't be happy when she finds out that her best friend is the reason why her mate doesn't act like a real mate. I take a deep breathe and look down at her, her head is on a pillow on my lap and her black hair is spread all over the pillow. The light reflecting from the screen makes her skin glow. She looks utterly breathtaking and beautiful as always. She told me all that happened and I couldn't be more angry especially because Ethan made her feel insecure and she is the most confident person I know. "Amazing how years of teaching myself to love myself can be destroyed in less than a minute," those were her exact words. I held her in my arms while she cried, we were standing by the door and after a few minutes I moved her to the couch. I am pulled out of my thoughts by her next words.
"Do you think I should exercise and start a diet plan?"
"What? Why would you do that? Your body is perfect and so are your curves, Alli. You don't need to exercise at all."
"Maybe then Ethan will notice me and talk to me like an actual mate."
"You are beautiful and Ethan is a fool if he doesn't notice all your curves, babe." I reply honestly because I would kill just to feel her curves freely.
"Thanks Sarah, you know how to make me feel better and I don't need Ethan, you are right about that. In fact I will make him jealous, I know exactly how he will feel when he sees me and someone all lovey-dovey"
"That is not a bad idea, I can help if you want me to"
"You would do that for me? There is no need for you to risk yourself like that Sarah, he will kill you if he sees you near me, especially because you're a girl"
"I want to do it, for you" And I would love to be all lovey-doves with you, I think to myself
"Oh thank you, Sarah " She sits up straight and throws her arms around, I hug her back and I get lost in her sweet smell. She smells really good all the time. I pull back and pull her to her feet, her eyes are puffy and red and I know it is because of crying over Ethan.

"Time for bed, sweetie "
She nods her head and we walk up to the room, we share it because she is scared of sleeping alone. I am not complaining because I love having her in my arms, it feels right. I have no mate but if I had one I am sure it would be Alli, besides the fact that Ethan is her mate.
She changes into a tank top and shorts, she sleeps over a lot so some of her clothes are here. I slide in next to her, she  falls asleep almost immediately because she is tired. It is almost 2am, Yeah  we are having a late morning sleep.

"Goodnight Sarah"
"Goodnight babes"
I wait till I am sure she is asleep before sliding out of bed to call my brother. He picks immediately after the first ring.
"Everything is going as planned, Ethan is doing exactly as we hoped, we should go back to the old witch, it actually worked. The old hag is useful in someway."
"I hear you, when is the date?"
"Let's wait a little while longer, I need her to trust me"
I end the call, my brother is not one to hold a long conversation, so I get to the point always. He doesn't like Alli, but he gets along with her for my sake. I climb in bed and spoon Alli, I fall asleep almost immediately. This is perfect, me and her. She arrived three months ago and I have know her for about 2 months now but I love her already with all my heart.
Very soon my love we will be together.
Very soon.

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