Chapter 6

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There will be cursing and violent scenes, be warned. Not only this chapter, but many more to come.✌️✌️ And also a lot of steam and sexy scenes


"They know about the magic now, it will only be a matter of time before they find out who did it. We need to leave now, you need to put the plan in action."

"Ok, I hear you, but Ali won't go willingly with me yet. A few days and if she doesn't oblige, then will I use force, but Do Not touch her. I will take care of her."

Kyle, my brother, nods his head and heads out, he may not approve of Ali, but for my sake I know that he will not harm her in any way. He obeys me and protects me like a brother. Many people may think that I am using him, but he is not mentally well, so he does just about anything I tell him and he is loyal af.

He told me that Grandma Mary found out the real cause for Ethan's behavior, which is dark magic. It cost a lot, but it was worth it. When I saw Ali, I knew that she was mine, if I had a wolf I knew she would say the same thing. I loved her the first time I saw her, I want to protect her and provide for her in every way.  I want to be with her even if it means having her the hard way. She is mine and mine only, Ethan may be her mate, but I will treat her the way she is supposed to be treated.

Just a few more days, just a few more days.

I decide to call on her and check her, I wait patiently for her to pick up.

"Sarah" her sweet, angelic voice answers, but something is wrong, she never calls me by my name. I knew something is wrong.

"What's wrong baby" one thing I love about her is that she doesn't care if I am lesbian, she loves me. 

"Nothing, it's just that-
Her sobs are breaking my heart, she takes a deep breathe
"Where are you?"
"I'm at the pack house with Jack get here soon please. I need you."

I get in the car and drive as fast as I can to the pack house, Jack is an orphan. His parents were brutally murdered in front of him by hunters before he was found by Ethan two years ago, he was only four years old. We never found the killers but Ethan vowed to take care of him till the day his soul rests. Since then, he has been rotating around the pack, he never lasts more than two weeks in one family. No one can handle him because he doesn't say much to anyone, except Ali. No one knows why he talks openly to her like a mother, but she loves him just as much.

I pull over and get out and run as fast as I can to her room. I open the door and she is seated on top of the couch.

"Hey, babes. I came over as soon as I could, what's wrong?"
"Mrs Williams said that she can't keep Jack anymore, you know I really thought that she would be the one this time. This is the third family in a month, Sarah, I don't know what to do. I want him to be happy, so I asked him who he wants to be with, you know. And he said that he wants me to be his parent and I told him ok, I will do it for him, but I'm scared. What if I am not good enough for him? What if I fail as a parent? What if-

I cut her off as I pulled her into a hug, she loves hugs and I love hugging her. She is soft in all the right places and hugging her can't be compared to the softest pillow. She immediately starts sobbing and I brush her hair softly as I whisper words of love and comfort to her.

"Everything is going to be fine, you will be a great mother." In reality, Jack is ruining my plans, so everything is not fine. But I need to think of something else for my princess, I would do anything for her.

After a few minutes she pulls
She takes a deep breathe and looks at me
"Ice cream and hot wings?"  I ask her, knowing the only remedy for her despair

She nods her head a thousand times


"I love this movie, especially when he sees her for the first time after months. You know, their love was forbidden but they loved each other nonetheless. You can't help who you love, Sarah."
She rests her head on my shoulder and pulls up the blanket while reaching for a hot wing. She loves hot wings and ice cream, which is a bad combination but she loves it.

"Hey babe, have you seen Ethan lately?"
"No, it feels like he avoids me more than anything, I don't want to talk about it."
"Ok, watch the movie"

We watch the movie and I leave shortly after that, I wish  I could have stayed longer but Ethan will be home soon. Can't wait for our time together alone, forever.



I climbed in bed after having a girly time with my girlfriend. I know Ethan is going to be home anytime soon, for some reason I wore a silky nightdress instead of pants. It is really hot so I wore that, I hope Ethan doesn't freak out or anything. It has been days since I saw him but it feels like years. I can't help it, the mate bond is driving me crazy and we haven't mated physically yet. I reach for my phone on the nightstand but it falls on the ground and I try to reach for it, but my arm is just too short. I try again and I stumble down along with the covers, but the covers are on top of me. I roll my eyes and get up and make the bed all over again and so I am bending and and stretching and finally I get it right. I bend to pick up the pillow and all of a sudden I am lifted up and turned around. As soon as that happens, my lips connect with his and I try to resist him but it is so damn hard. I lose the fight and kiss him back with as much passion and fire as he has, I wrap my legs around his waist and he walks us over to the bed. He lays me down while kissing me and we break to catch a breathe and he kisses and sucks on my exposed neck, he sucks hard to leave marks on my skin. I switch our position so that I am straddling him and his hands continue roaming my body, feeling every curve and every stretch mark. We start kissing all over again and not more than two seconds later, he stopped. I opened my eyes as I snap back to reality,his eyes are green, just like they always are.

"Get the fuck off me"
I am frozen, this is not happening.

"Get the FUCK of me" he repeats with more venom and pushes me off him and walks away to the bathroom.

That did not just happen, wtf?!

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