Chapter 3

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"I have always wanted to be a doctor, but Ethan brought me here before I could go finish ." I give her a small smile, I don't want Ma Ruth to hate her Alpha, because of his decisions.
"I can teach you all I know, the previous Luna wasn't interested in all this."
"The previous Luna?"
"Oh yes, we had one before you came, just before you came."
I was about to ask more questions, but she started humming and once she starts humming you can't get her to listen to anything because she hates to be disturbed. I need to talk to Ethan as soon as he gets back. I woke up this morning and ate breakfast and showered at Sarah's. I met up with ma Ruth to discuss some things about medicine. She is the pack doctor so she knows a lot. Besides the fact that there was a previous Luna, I also found out that there are three groups of this pack. It is not the largest and feared pack for no reason, there is the higher class, the second class and the poor class. I only met the upper class people not the rest so I decided that I want to meet the other groups. I want to meet and know all my people if I am their Luna and Ethan is their Alpha.
"Dear, did you look at the time? You are going to be terribly late if you don't leave now."
"I'm sorry ma, where am I going again?" I easily forget which is why I always tell my plans to other people so that they can remind me later when I forget.
"You said you are going to a school, because they invited you."
"Oh, I have to go, thank you. I easily forget"
I decide to call Sarah to come pick me up, but she doesn't answer. I text Justin my location and ask him to pick me up as in like yesterday.
I say goodbye to ma Ruth as I gather my stuff and head outside to meet Justin. As soon as he pulls up on the driveway,I climb in the car and tell him where we are going.
"How you doing?" He asks me
"Great and you" I reply
"Um... I have to talk to you about something "
"Ok shoot" he starts the car and soon we are on the way to the school
"I know that Ethan said some pretty nasty stuff-"
I cut him off"I don't want to talk about it"
"I want you to know that you are confident and-"
I cut him off again"I said I-"
He cuts me off this time
"I understand that he hurt your feeling, but"

What did he just say?!

"Have you ever been called fat?!"
"What does that have to do with this?" He replies confused
"Have you ever been called fat, Justin?"
He shakes his head no and I take that as my cue to confess.
"Do you have any idea how many therapists I had to go to just so that they could tell me that I am beautiful? Do you know the amount of money my mom had to pay to keep me from killing myself? I tried to kill myself twice until I believed in myself. I spent years and years finally believing the fact that I am beautiful and all your brother did was destroy everything in less than 30 seconds. I have heard worse things than what Ethan said that night, but he broke me that night because he is my mate. I am angry, not hurt, I am angry because I believed him. I believed Ethan when he said that I look like I swallowed a hippo or something, I believed him and that is why I am angry. I am angry because I allow people like him to degrade me and to bring down my self-confidence. I am angry that years of hard work has been destroyed in less than a minute, by my mate. But I grew up and I am disappointed in me, actually. I am not angry at Ethan or hurt, I simply blame myself for believing him." I get out of the car as I see that we have arrived at some school. I grab my bag and close the door and walk straight up to the receptionist.
A slender brunette with reading glasses on a professional smile greets me.
"Hi, I am Jade, how can I help you?"
"Hi I'm Alli, I mean Alliyah. I'm supposed to speak to the students today."
"Oh! It is nice to meet you Luna."
"You too."
"Sorry I didn't recognize you immediately, I never thought you would be this."
I smiled," Ok, shall we head out."
"You aren't offended I said-"
"Oh no, that is just your opinion, I am not offended, now shall we go."
She nods her head and guides me to a big classroom already filled with teenagers. I get in and all the children are chattering and making noise, I keep my mouth shut because I don't want to scare the children off. I need them to open up to me and to trust me.
"Can I get your attention? Class! Hey! Your attention please?!"
Seeing that she doesn't succeed she gives me a small smile," Sorry, they don't really listen, teenagers."
"Shut the hell up!" Everyone stops and looks at me, even Jade looks a bit shocked.

"Who the hell are you?" One boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, tall probably the schools playboy shouts back.
I look at Jade and she is about to speak, but I stop her with a shake of my head. I walk straight up to the boy and he stands his ground, I stand in front of him.

"What is your name?"
"Cole, Cole Anderson"
"Listen here, she is an adult and you will respect when she speaks. You should respect every adult and if you do not, I will deal with you, myself. Am I clear or do I need to demonstrate what I am saying to you?" I look at him straight in the eye.
The classroom is dead silent, you could hear a pin drop.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can't do?" When he said that, I flipped.
"I am your elder and you will respect me or I will beat the damn attitude out of you. Now sit the fuck down and be a good student."By this time, I was breathing fire. He sat down like a good student and he actually shut the hell up, everyone was quiet. I walk back to Jade, they're all yours, I tell her. She nods and quickly introduces me to the class and everyone gasps in surprise and I look at Cole to see him with guilt clearly written on his face.
"Over to you, Luna." I smile and walk up to the center of the classroom as everyone is sitting in a circle.

"I will tell you my personal story, as your Luna I dislike bullies and insecurity. You can call me Alli, I don't like to be called the Luna."

Please comment, even if you don't vote, just comment please. Tell me how I can improve my grammar, and everything else you can think off.
Fun fact, I am looking for an online friend.

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