Chapter 1: Scouted

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The first day of school is nerve-wracking for anyone!

Especially if you were y/n, a carnivorous student that attended there, who just so happened to be scouted.

The large men in suits who approached you were indeed startling but when they opened their mouths to explain how you'd been chosen to join a school club full of "elite" and "extraordinary" students at Cherryton Highschool you began to calm down.

You hadn't even signed up for anything so why did they want you? You tried not to read too much into it.

"We'd be delighted to have you Miss l/n." Spoke the rather nasally mountain lion before going to hand you a business card.

"Let's us know if you're interested, we will definitely be keeping in touch."

You nod, still unsure of the intentions, and grasp the business card to further observe.

"Hey, I actually don't remember signing up for-"

They were gone? What the double fuck? They were literally just here! This whole situation was about as shady as they come!

"Anything." You huff out, placing the card into your pocket.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to at least give the club a little look.

Peering into the empty club room, a heavy sigh exits your nose, your grip tightening on your bookbag.

"May I help you?" Inquired a deeper voice from behind you.

The animal behind you was a rather tall grey wolf who happened to not be standing at his full height considering the fact that he was hunched over a bit.

His fur was an ashy grey color along with a creamier color on his face as it leads down his neck. His ears were angled downward and his arms hung still at his side.

You couldn't help but freeze up a bit at his towering height. Of course you yourself were tall but you hadn't had another growth spurt in a few months.

"Oh, sorry. I just wanted to check out the Drama Club? Some guys scouted me and suggested I  join." You explain, pulling out the previously gifted business card.

The larger male hesitated to take the item at first but decided to take a gander at the card.

"Well, this is the room everyone rehearses in. I'm actually in the Art Department so I don't come down to the mail floor much. I focus on the lighting really." He explains, his hands moving around for emphasis.

"Oh, well that's interesting. I'm a bit of a new student here but I've seen the campus." You explain, beginning to rock back and forth in your heels.

He only nods and hands you the card back.


'God this silence is so loud!' You grimace, clearing your throat.

'I don't even know what to say to him? Ask his mane maybe?'

The grey wolf standing before you was now fidgeting with his suspenders and looking around. He was probably just as aware of the awkward silence as you were.

"Uh, I didn't catch your name." He inquired, moving his hands to speak once again.

"I didn't throw it." You respond, feeling a bit proud of yourself for such a witty comeback.

"O-Oh I'm sorry! I don't mean to-"

The male began rambling on and on about how he didn't mean to assume you wanted him to know your name.

Gosh, this guy was anxious, you could practically smell the stress sweat building on him!

"Relax, my name's Y/n. I'm a second year." You counter, putting forth your hand to introduce yourself a bit better.

Once again, he hesitated, but soon lightly gripped your hand 

"I'm Legoshi, I'm a second-year too." He introduces, releasing your hand from his loose grip.

"A pleasure. I'm surprised I haven't seen you around before?" You inquire, clearing your throat a bit while he explains his abscess on campus.

"I don't really get out much besides my classes and Drama Club. I'm usually in my dorms." Legoshi explains, scratching the back of his neck.

Interesting, a wolf who's not very social? Well, it's not as if you had any room to talk. You were so secluded that half of the time you didn't even attend classes and just picked up any homework you missed.

"Ah, I see. Well, it was nice to meet you. What time should I come by tomorrow to see what this whole Drama Club is about?" You question.

"Well, I don't know if you'll be able to get in Louis is pretty strict on who comes in and out of here." Legoshi drawls, tapping his chin in thought.

"Try 3:00 maybe? I'll be here to help with lighting so don't worry."

You nod and continue to make your way to your dorm.

"It was a pleasure meeting you!" You call out as the wolf trudges back to wherever he came from.

"You too!" He calls out before being on his way.

Setting an alarm for tomorrow, your brain worked at 100miles a minute trying to figure out who this Louis character was? Hopefully, he was friendly enough to let you see what you'd be getting into before actually considering joining.

Though Legoshi had been kind and gave you sort of an idea of what the others may be like, you couldn't help but think there'd be someone to get on your last nerve in there.

And confrontation wasn't something you particularly looked for in new environments.

Your thoughts drifted to the whole reason you were here in the first place. Who were those men? Why did they leave so fast? What do they even want you in this 'Drama Club' for? HOW did they find you?

Too much excitement and too many questions for one day. You knew all would be answered soon enough.

Before you knew it, you were at your dorm. The ling didn't feel like it took long but of course, you'd managed to trick your brain once again.

You wanted to collapse, but alas, someone had to finish all these assignments

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