Chapter 5: Break a Leg

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The mood was high in the night sky, full and bright.

It was darker than you expected but you could still see fairly well. Your phone was in your hand and the grip you had was unbelievable. Your tazer was in your other hand which you also had a grip on.

Riz was silent, only the sound of both of your footsteps making contact with the concrete was heard.

' pushed to far and now he's going to kill you.' You sigh mentally, not excited about the trip back to your dorm.

"Hey y/n?" Riz called, voice a bit strained.

You freeze, fear setting in even more now than before. Your door wasn't even that far away from where the two of you were now.

Anything could happen and no one would even hear you yelp. You were all too aware of a bears unbelievable strength.

He grabbed you, each hand on one of your shoulders, his eyes now wide, fur standing up.

"I know you were there. I would hate to have to kill you." He explains, his nails sinking into your skin.

You wanted move but you couldn't, the same fear from before running through your body.

You are back in the empty classroom, frozen in fear, tears filling your wide eyes.

"If I were you? I would stay quiet. Okay?" He explains, thumb pressing against your throat as his nail began to just barely puncture your skin.

You nod, afraid to speak up becusee you knew all that would come out was a choked sob.

Well at least you got your proof.


"Hey y/n are you okay? You seem kind of out of it." Legoshi asks as you continue to adjust the lighting for opening night.

He was right, you hadn't been yourself after you spoke with Riz a few nights ago.

"I..I've just been a little stressed is all." You hum, flashing him a soft smile.

You decided it'd be better to keep the information of who the culprit is to yourself for the time being. It was for bother personal protection and also for a little bit of a selfish reason.

Sure you wanted to avenge Tem, but if you could get everyone to see how great you are and how brave you were, the attention from it would most likely get you a scholarship or something!

Of course solving a murder case at 17 was gonna have its perks.

"We'll if there's anything I can help with let me know, alright?" Legoshi offers, his hands placing gently in your shoulder.

You nod, thanking him while fixing the lighting some more.

Hopefully the show would run smoothly, you didn't really care for any problems to deal with later.

-later that night-

Your head seat was at full volume as you looked over the crowd. Full house tonight

"Lighting is done, Legoshi get up here! I gotta finish Louis makeup."

"Got it, he's in the dressing room."

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