Chapter 7: New Friends

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It had beef about 3 months since the Adler incident with Louis, Bill, and Legoshi.

It always been about 5 months since to your last altercation with Riz. You thought it'd be best to push him to the back of your mind and carry on. Thinking about him didn't lead to my particularly fond memories.

It didn't matter now anyway, the Drama Club had already began preparing for their next event.

The festival of the Meteor.

Also, according to the actors team there was rumoured to be a new girl named Juno who'd be joining.

"You two should get along y/n, she's grey wolf!"Sheila explains, seeing you give a soft smile.

"Well, I'm sure we'll be okay, I'm more of domesticated timber wolf and uhh if she's a grey wolf tensions might be high." You chuckle, changing into your practice clothes.

"Well you and Legoshi get along right?" Els asks, raising a brow in confusion.

You hadn't actually talked to Legoshi outside of the club. Speaking of which you never really talked to anyone desires Kai and Els outside of the club and most of those times were for favours.

....Did you need more friends?

"I guess so," you sigh, trying to answer Els question.

"Me and Legoshi are more of acquaintances really."


The girls exited the dressing room and gathered in the main room for any announcements.

'Damn do I really need more friends?' You think to yourself, Els and Sheilas words kinda getting to you.

You know they meant no harm in trying to help you make friends.

But, that wasn't really your jam. You liked to stay behind and talk when necessary. The few altercations you had were mere back to back coincidences.

If you had it your way you would've liked to have the two conversation be normal, no strings attached.

You had hardly been paying attention to the presidents yacking being caught up in your own head.

"Don't even think about going to the black market." Louis spoke, leaving the sophomores to their own devices.

The black market?


"Hey y/n, you wanna come with us? We were gonna get lunch." Bill spoke, throwing his arm over your shoulder.

"Well, I wouldn't wanna intrude if it's just you and the think I should come?" You mumble, fidgeting with your hands.

"That's why I invited you! Besides you need some new friends. It'll be good for you." Bill exclaimed, giving you a date and time to meet up.


You hadn't been in the city since you were a kid. The air was cool, a light breeze picking up. You wore your usual summer wear, some sneakers, jean shorts, and a vibrantly coloured top. You decided to pick out some sunglasses and those sat atop your head.

"All the bird are flying, I'm so jealous." Aoba groaned.

Your tail wagged in excitement. It was so busy on the streets, the adults chattering amongst themselves and running errands.

"And you didn't wanna tag along!" Bill chuckles, leading the way to the cafe you'd be staying at for lunch.

The place was nice, a few empty tables lined the walls along with the usual advertisements of food and what not.

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