"Every time I look up, he's standing there." : Maureen Cleave Interview Part 5

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Hi everybody! I'm here again after a long long time and I'm very sorry for the gap. I was on holiday at grandma's and she hates mobile phones, which means that I was barely able to reply to a few messages... But I'm back now and with the last interview!

It is about Brian Epstein, whom I really like and I think he more than anyone else deserved better fate. And, to make it a little creepy for those who like being scared a bit, I mention that you'll be reading words of an almost 53 years dead man. More than half of a century.

So it's the 1st of April 1966, Friday

So it's the 1st of April 1966, Friday

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The difference between this sober, well-spoken young man and the pig-headed, egocentric, volatile Beatles was too much for people.

Oh, c'mon! They're not pig-headed. Maybe only a little 😂

“My hair stands on end,” he said. “but not so that anybody sees.

Hmm, interesting. Very smart.

His little vanities are amusing –indeed he finds them quite funny himself. His telegraphic address, for instance, is Nemperor; his secretary sits at the top of his house in an office that contains two life-size portraits of himself by David Bailey. "Every time I look up,” the poor girl said, “he’s standing there.”

Poor girl! 😂😂😂😂 That's hilarious!

He had no friends at school, none in the army and few at RADA. His first real friends were the Beatles –a strange lot to start off with.

Haha, I'd love to have such a strange lot😁😁

His working area is done in stripped pine panelling, a whole section concealing records, television set, film screen. He did originally toy with the idea of hiding these with false book spines, but the Beatles were so shocked he gave it up. “It would have been different,” John Lennon said with feeling “if he’d done a whole ceiling with then – or a whole room, even.”
“I might have decided myself,” Mr. Epstein said somewhat desperately, “not to have those book spines.”

What a shocking idea😱😱

He is anxious to make a film about El Cordobes; thing, rightly, that it would be a splendid idea to make a three-part film about Cordobes, Nureyev and the Beatles.
“Probably they would all agree,” he said, “except the Beatles.”


There is the diamante-studded holster given to him by Colonel Tom Parker, a juke-box and huge, highly-polished ship’s wheel secured to the floor. He is worried about this, possibly after the experience of the book spines. “I really ought to do something with it,” he said. “It could open a door or something but that still wouldn’t be right. But it’s no use just standing there.”

They all had loads of those things (remember for example the gorilla suite) that just are there for nothing.

He plans to turn the garage – inadequate for his large cars – into a Spanish bar. He adores Spain, goes there on any pretext. It is the only place where he takes any exercise.
“I walk when I’m abroad,” he said. Where did he walk? “I just walk about,” he said.

Hmm, George wanted them to swim. I think John would like Brian's way of exercising more.

“Are you doing anything this evening?” George Harrison asked. “Only in the early part of the evening,” Mr. Epstein said carefully.

Haha, I'll use  this!

Big contracts sit unsigned for days while he searches for Cilla’s new single. “I am not in an agenting mood today,” he says. “I don’t feel tycoonish today.” It drives his staff mad. “ I feel rather guilty about it,” he said. “But it’s always nice to go from a heavy accountant meeting to a publisher who will play me some nice tunes.”

I understand😂 and I love his attitude, it'd have been very bad in online-school though 😂.

He already writes poems. “Just bits of poetry,” he said. “Descriptive stuff –sort of mood things.” “Eppie,” a Beatle once said, “is sensitive as a bare wire.”

Bet the Beatle was John😂😂

He says he is a Socialist at heart, which is annoying, because with his money it would be nice to be a Conservative.

Interesting, I've read somewhere (maybe George Martin said it) that he was probably the only manager in Britain those times who was for the Labour Party.

The Beatles are The Boys to Brian Epstein, Cilla is Cilla and the rest are “my other artists.” He loves them, but, best of all, he loves the Beatles.


He is touchingly fond of their wives. “I envy so much their married lives,” he said “I could not adapt myself to it particularly, but I do envy it in a way. Just being with Ringo at home makes me feel secure.”


His autobiography suggests that he learned in the early days how to deal with them. Paul failed to turn up at an important meeting. George said he was having a bath. “He’s going to be very late,” Mr. Epstein said crossly. “Very late,” George agreed, “but very clean.” Mr. Epstein realised what he was up against.

😂😂😂😂Do you remember the comics chapter? I've shown you exactly the same scene there!

“You see,” John Lennon said, “He’s the only one we take things from. He’s one above us. Everybody else packs it in when we start screaming at them because they’re frightened. We couldn’t be run by anybody but him - not anybody, I tell you.”



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Now the big question!!! Which one of those articles was your personal favourite? I'll reveal my own in the last chapter, of course you can try to guess😉, but I'd really love to know your opinions!

See you later then and thank you for waiting for so long time!

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