The New Home

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I went downstairs and decided to make some breakfast. While cooking eggs, I felt strong arms wrap around my tiny waist. " Good Morning princess, how was your night?" I giggled,"It was great! I'm so glad you got rid of that girl and found me!" Taehyung chuckled with his deep voice before he said,"After breakfast, let's go to the beach. All by ourselves! What do you think?" I jumped happily,"Yes!" I leaned closer and so did he. Our lips were so close to touching, we both closed our eyes. But he started calling my name. I gave him a confused look.

"Jin!Jin! Mr. Seokjin?!"

I woke up.

It was all a dream.

Of course he would never turn sweet.

"Mr. Jin?" I looked up and saw Amy. The maid. "Good morning Amy. What's the problem?" She bowed, "Sorry I woke you up sir, but breakfast is ready and you also have a visitor." "Visitor? Who the hell would visit me at this time?" I yawned. "Alright, thank you Amy." After she left I did my morning routine and wore a simple oversized black hoodie I found in the closet. It smelled so good and the scent was so familiar.

I went down and saw two figures sitting down, talking. Both their backs were turned but I instantly recognized them. "Yoongi! Soojik!" They both turned around and ran to give me a hug.  "Hyung, what's up?" I rubbed my neck out of nervousness and said, "G-good, I'm fine." They both looked at each other and had a confused look. "Do you really think you can lie?" "Yoongi—" Soojik cut me off and hugged me while whispering,"Remember what I said?" I nodded and hugged him back. "So what brings you two here?" Soojik grabbed my hands and sat me down at the table. "Jinnie, why the hell do you smell good? Not that you don't but like–way too good!" I chuckled, "Uh...I don't know? This isn't mine. I just threw it on." "Alright then. So...Yoongi and I." My eyes sparkled with joy cause I knew what the news was. Yoongi held Soojik's hand and said, "Hyung, we're dating!" I jumped up excited, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" I then calmed down and said, " Wait~ you too just met." Soojik smiled, " Yeah but we're taking it slow." After that , we just started talking about random topics. While we were, I saw Taehyung come down with the girl. She gasped loudly. "Why are you still here? And why are YOU wearing MY boyfriend's hoodie.

I froze for a second.

This was his?

But if felt so good and comfy.

No wonder the scent was familiar.

"Baby, lay off him. Let him wear it." Soojik and Yoongi both got up and eyed her. "What's your name, honey?" Yoongi asked. "UGH, my name is Caroline. Now get away from me!" She had the most disgusted expression on her face. She looked at me and threw me off my chair, making me fall right on the ground. Taehyung ran to me and held me asking if I was okay. I was so surprised. He was rude to me just last night. Yoongi pushed Caroline while she feel on the floor but instantly got up.

Yoongi was gonna strike again but Soojik held him back. I got up from Taehyung's grip and stood up in front of Caroline. "You wanna fight?" Caroline said with a sly smirk on her face. "What does it look like?" I said with an upset tone. She scoffed, "OH MY GOSH, AMY FELL." She said as she pointed. I looked behind me and saw no one but the boys. Caroline threw a punch but I moved to side, grabbed her arm and punched her jaw. I threw her on the ground after.

She started crying and calling for Taehyung but he simply told her to get out. She wouldn't budge so he dragged her out. Soojik and Yoongi were surprised and just stood there with there mouths opened. "SEOKJIN CALL US WHEN YOU GET THE CHANCE. WE LOVE YOU." They both said as they dashed out. I looked behind me and saw Taehyung looking down. "Look Tae, I'm sorry. I was just—" He cut me off by saying, "Tae? No one had called me that in years." He quickly came over and grabbed my hands as we both went upstairs. He called Amy and told her too come with an emergency kit. We went to his bedroom and he sat me down on his bed. "Are you okay?" I gave him a confused look, "I don't have any bruises, I'm fine." Amy came with the kit and left. "Listen Tae, I don't need—"

I felt a sharp pain on my left elbow. I hissed. I looked over and I saw he put alcohol on it.
"No bruises, huh?" I blushed. "Hey, I'm sorry about my attitude from yesterday. It's just Caroline." I furrowed my eyebrows, "What does she have to do with this?" "She's forcing me to be that way. So please? When she's around and I act rude, just go with it. "I nodded. "And by the look really cute with my hoodie. When can I see you without it? He smirked. I lightly hit him as we giggle together. "What the hell are you two doing?" It was Caroline. I was holding in my laugh as I saw her with a bandage around her jaw. Taehyung put the bandage on my elbow and answered, "I was helping him."

There he is. The cold guy I met. "So you helped him but not me?" Taehyung stood up and said, "It's not like I care. I was just being nice." "You know what? I'm going to the mall. Gimme 1k." I was shocked. She's a gold digger. WAIT. I SHOULD'VE KNOWN THAT ALREADY. Taehyung gave it to her and told her to go quickly. Instead, she walked to him and left a red lipstick stain on his cheek. She looked at me and glared and left without saying anything to me. As soon as we heard the door close, Taehyung grabbed a tissue from the tissue box next to the bed and tried to wipe off the stain. After he finished wiping it off, he laid me down and went on the other side to lay down next to me. "What are you doing?" I asked. He smiled with his fluffy cheeks. It was so cute seeing his boxy smile. He turned his back to me and said, "Nothing. Let's just take a nap." I turned around and closed my eyes.

I opened them again.


Because of what he just said.

"I look forward to marrying you Seokjin."

He was looking forward to marrying Seokjin. But...did he mean it?....I mean after all....

He's straight.



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