The New Relationship

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Taehyung opened the door with the keys and threw them on the table. He then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. We started making out. After a few seconds, I pushed him away. "What's wrong?" Taehyung asked worried. "Your cheating on Samantha, this isn't right." Taehyung lightly scoffed, "Forget her and by the way...I know your not dating Yoongi." I was going to respond but he cut me off by kissing me again. There was light moans in between. I started kissing his neck leaving red lipstick stains. Clothes were slowly coming off. Taehyung's tie and suit jacket was off. The lace in the back of the dress was off. We were now laying on the couch. I heard Taehyung chuckle as he was about to take his shirt off. Taehyung came closer to kiss me again but then the doorbell rang. We both groaned.

"I'll get it, don't worry." Taehyung said as I nodded. He looked through the peephole and signaled me too sit up correctly. Taehyung opened the door and I heard Samantha's voice. "Hey baby, let me in." "Yea, sure. Um...why are you here?" Samantha giggled, "I live here now. And plus, you said we're having a sleepover, my friend couldn't make it though." I cursed under my breath forgetting the sleepover. I'll call Yoongi and Soojik now. "Tae...why do you have red lipstick stains on your neck?" I tried to wipe my lipstick off but seems like it made it more obvious when I looked at the reflection on my phone. "Nothing. Just sit down." Taehyung said as he pulled Samantha a chair. "I'll call Soojik and Yoongi." "No need too cause we're already here!" I heard Yoongi's voice. They looked ready for a sleepover. They had pajamas on and we're holding bags. "About that Jin, I called them already."

We all changed to pajamas and ate while watching movies. Samantha tried to cuddle with Taehyung but he cuddled me instead. "I'm bored." Yoongi sighed. "Why don't we play a classic game? Truth or Dare." "Oh that's a great idea!"

We played and then I was the last one to be asked after Soojik.
"Soojik, truth or dare?" I asked him. "Truth." I thought for a second, "Was it really love at first sight when you saw Yoongi?" "Of course! This man was just being hot without even doing anything. All he had too do was stand there." Yoongi and Soojik shared a tiny kiss. "Jin!" Everyone looked at Samantha. "Yes?" "Truth or Dare?" Samantha had a little smirk on her face. Seems like she had something for both answers. "Truth, I guess." I shrugged. "Is there anyone in this you like? Or maybe even....kissed?"

I could just simply lie but I couldn't. I didn't like lying. " what?" "Well since their here, maybe you could kiss them again?" I looked at Taehyung who slowly nodded at me. "Actually! You only get to ask one question for truth, so there for that question was irrelevant." Soojik said as he had a little attitude. I quietly sighed and mouthed 'Thank you' to Soojik. He knew how to handle situations good. Samantha looked a little unsatisfied now. "Welp! I think we should probably go to sleep. I'll sleep with Jin! Yoongi and Soojik together, obviously. Seems like Samantha's by herself." Taehyung said as he jumped up and fixed a sleeping bag. Before Samantha could argue, everyone but Samantha said good night.

I snuggled in with Taehyung as he wrapped his hands on my waist. "Feels like earlier, huh?" I blushed. I then pecked Taehyung and stared at his eyes. "So...what does this mean? We made out... kissed...we cuddle." "This means your cheating on Samantha." I giggled hoping he would understand the "joke". Silence. I closed my eyes as I called him an idiot.

Just as I was about to drift off. "Oh! I get it now!"

I heard a sound of a fly buzzing around my ear. I kept swaying my hand in the air even tho my eyes were still closed. Then it went in front of my face. I hit my cheek as I felt a creamy feeling on my face now. Giggles and laughs were heard. I open my eyes too see Taehyung and Soojik with whip cream and a phone with a video called 'annoying fly sounds.' "That was entertaining." I looked to my left and saw Yoongi sitting on the couch. "We're sorry Jin! We just wanted to play a little trick on you." I groaned being tired and checked my phone to see the time. It was currently 10am. "You assholes. Get away from me!" I got up and grabbed my pillow chasing them. They hid.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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