🧊Meeting my Clawmates🌑

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Once Winter got a map of the school, and a bunch of other useless scrolls, he followed Icicle into the building. Winter checked the scroll with the winglets. Jade Winglet, he thought. He caught up with Icicle. "Which winglet are you in?", he asked, trying to show minimal interest. "Gold Winglet". "We're gonna be stuck in a cave with a bunch of immature, young lizards, can you believe it?", she asked, but to Winter, it sounded like she was establishing it. "True", Winter replied. Icicle looked at him. "What winglet are you in?", she asked. "Jade", Winter replied. "Well, you better leave then.", she said. They parted ways, and Winter walked down a tunnel, that he thought led to his cave. Ugh, Icicle really wasn't happy being here.. Whatever...I hope this is the right cave. I better not be paired with a Nightwing. Well, I guess I'll find out, Winter thought. He looked at the sign on the cave. Jade Winglet , it read. He sighed, both with relief, and annoyance, and walked in, hoping that no one else was inside. He saw a Nightwing reading a scroll. But something about her was strangely familiar. The Nightwing looked up from her scroll, and he froze.  It was her. She was the Nightwing that had looked at him in the entrance. In the light, the silver scales around her eyes looked gorgeous. He met her eyes, and stared for a second. Studying her closely. Suddenly, there was a commotion outside. He looked away, and blushed. What am I doing? She's a Nightwing. Glare at her, scowl, ignore, anything but blush after looking at her. , he thought furiously. He scowled at her, and went outside the cave to see what the commotion was about. 3 moons, what are the chances that the Nightwing from the courtyard is the one that just had to be paired with me.  Maybe she wasn't that bad. She didn't seem to hate me. Whatever. She's a Nightwing. What would mother and father think if they heard my thoughts?

Winter walked outside to see what the commotion was about. Outside, there was a Rainwing dragon sitting on top of a Skywing. The Skywing looked mad to be in this situation. The Rainwing, on the other hand, was jumping with joy. "Hi! Whats your name? I'm Kinkajou. Your my new clawmate I think. Winter right? Your an Icewing? Thats so cool, pun not intended. I haven't ever seen an Icewing before!" she said excitedly. "Please. Stop talking. Your voice is annoying", the Skywing said rudely. "Um...whats going on here?", Winter asked hesitantly. "Well, I was trying to get into my cave, so I was hopping, and I accidently tripped on this grumpy Skywing. He seems a bit upset about it, I don't understand why". "Oh ya, cause sitting on someone isn't a reason to be a bit grumpy", a unfamiliar voice said. Winter looked behind Kinkajou, and standing there, was a, too cheerful looking Sandwing. "Hello. Whats your name Mr. Too Cool For School." He said, too cheerfully for Winter's taste. Winter contorted his expression to one of disgust. "Who do you think you are exactly? You are not allowed to talk to a Icewing Prince like that.", Winter said coldly. 

"Wow...your grumpy. Icewing prince was it? Hmm, don't really act like a prince. Aren't princes supposed to be kind, generous and handsome? Well...I guess your kinda handsome. The scales could use some work, the color clashes with my eyes. You didn't answer my question, whats your name? Or should I call you cold-claws?" the mysterious, irritating Sandwing asked curiously. He had barely been here for 2 minutes, and the sand-sniffing reptile was already getting on his nerves. "I'm Winter, sand-sniffer." Winter said, rolling his eyes. "Alright cold-claws. And..I'm not a sand-sniffer. I'm a Sandwing, if your cold eyes couldn't see.", he replied annoyingly. "Alright..I'm leaving. I don't wanna waste my breath, or time, on you lizards", Winter said haughtily. The Rainwing looked disappointed, and the Sandwing looked, flattered? "Oh, your so sweet. You don't wanna spend any more time around cause you might start stuttering and blushing. Don't worry, I already know you adore me", he said happily. Winter turned blue. This Sandwing was really annoying, and dumb. "Why would I like YOU?", he asked rudely. By this time, the mysterious Nightwing had come out to see what was up. "Whats going on here?", she asked timidly. "This sand-snorter is as dumb as a rock", Winter replied. "Well, just sort it all out, and go to your own caves." she said nervously. It was kinda cute how nervous she was. Cute? No, its annoying, all Nightwings are annoying. Winter corrected himself. The Nightwing scrunched her brow, like she was reading something. Which she wasn't, Winter thought.   

"Which winglet are you in?" Kinkajou asked, and without waiting for a response, she continued. "I'm in Jade, which is probably what Winter and...sorry, whats your name mysterious Nightwing? I'm Kinkajou! This grumpy Skywing here is also Jade, I took his paper and found out! So he must be Carnelian. Wait! Than you are Moonwatcher, right Nightwing? And the sandwing is probably Qibli.", she finished, answering her own questions. Qibli and Moon nodded. We all went inside the cave.

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