🍉🌵Crocodile! Panic! Pt 1

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I was hunting around for fruit in the tall peaks of Jade Mountain. The dewy grass beneath my feet, and the fresh smell of clean air filled my nose. It felt a bit like the rainforest. I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying Jade Mountain so far. Everyone was fairly nice, except maybe Carnelian and Winter. Winter was ok. He was kinda cute, but not that nice all the time. But I know that there's a dragon with a heart inside. I saw it when he was protecting Moon from Carnelian. I was also getting along fairly well with Heron. We were similar in many ways. We both like shipping people, and making friends.

I glanced around. The trees in the mountain were big, towering over me. I glanced at my basket, with 2-3 bananas and a couple apples. There wasn't much fruit around here, and I was no-good at hunting. I had talked to Tsunami, and she had said that it was ok. I wasn't good at hunting, not the way Moonwatcher was. The way she had swiftly sliced through the air to catch that mountain goat had been SO impressive. There! I think. There were some blueberries a few feet away from me. I ran over there. "Score!", I say to myself. I taste one. "Mmmm", I say, relishing the sweet, juicy taste of the ripe, blue, blueberry. I suddenly hear an ear-splitting scream.


Moon, I think. That was Moonwatcher screaming, what was wrong? I spread my multi-colored wings, that had splashes of orange and fearful yellow. "What's wrong!", I cry. It seemed that Tsunami, Heron and Qibli had also heard the scream, cause they were flying behind me. I scan the mountain. There. I think. In the lake, there were splashes. Moon must be in there. What was wrong? Was she hurt, or drowning. Wait! Where's Winter? I think. Was it Winter that was hurt? Had he gone in the lake? No time to panic, I have to go help my new best friend. I soar through the air, and land on the shore of the lake. "What's wrong Moon!", I shout at her. I see her head on the surface. "Crocodile", she sputters, before being pulled underwater again. I see a tint of red in the water. "Oh, mango and mongooses.", I mutter. I can't swim. Tsunami, I think. "TSUNAMI! GET OVER HERE. MOON IS IN TROUBLE", I scream. Before I know it, Tsunami in next to me. "Moon's in trouble?", she asks. "Where?", Qibli says. I point to the red-tinted water. Tsunami gasps, and dives underwater. I see Heron appear, and dive behind Tsunami. Suddenly, Turtle appears. "Whats going on", he asks. "Moon is underwater with a crocodile", I reply. "I can't swim", Qibli said. "Me neither. Moon said there was a crocodile in the water". Qibli looks upset. "Is she ok?", he asks. I shrug, nervousness painted on my face.

How I hope my bff is ok.


I had been hunting with Heron.

"There", Heron whispers.

I looked at where she was pointing. A brownish-reddish squirrel was nibbling an acorn. It's bushy tail was flicking back and forth, and it was squeaking. Me and Heron had found 2 lizards so far. Heron was really nice. She was sweet, and didn't seem judgmental. "On the count of three, I'll pounce on the tail and hold it down. Then, you bite into it.", I said. Then, I furrowed my brow. "That sounds really dark when you say it like that.", Heron said jokingly. I nod. "Ya, it does. I kinda feel bad now", I reply. She looked at me. "Don't. Squirrels are food, nothing else.", she said. "Right". I creep up on the squirrel "1. 2. 3!". I jump, and grab the squirrel's bushy tail. The squirrel squeaked, and tried to get away, but Heron came just in time, and bit into its neck. The squirrel squeaked even louder, and then fell on the grass. "Nice one", I said. She smiled at me.


I look up alarmingly. "What was that?", I ask Heron. She looks scared. "It sounded like Moonwatcher", she said. I scan the area. Around the mountain, there was a pond, but it's usual crystal clear waters were now tinted with red and blue. Red and Blue. Red must be Moonwatcher's blood, and the blue must be Winter's. What happened? "There", I say, pointing to the water. Heron's eyes widened. She spreads her brown and red wings majestically, and jumps into the air. "Let's go!", she says. I spread my wings, and slice through the air, aiming for the lake. I see Kinkajou already down there, her face outlined with worry. I glance at Heron. "Get Tsunami, she can swim.", I order. She nods, and flaps her wings to where the Tsunami was hovering, flying fast. I land on the bay of the pond, next to Kinkajou.

Oh, mango and mongooses.", I hear her mutter. "TSUNAMI! GET OVER HERE. MOON IS IN TROUBLE", Kinkajou yells, panic easily visible in her voice.. Before I know it, Tsunami is standing on the bay of the lake. "Moon's in trouble?", she asks. Kinkajou points to the red and blue-tinted water. Tsunami gasps, and dives underwater. I see Heron appear, and dive behind Tsunami. Suddenly, Turtle appears. "What's going on", he asks. "Moon is underwater with a crocodile", Kinkajou replies. "I can't swim", I say worriedly. . "Me neither. Moon said there was a crocodile in the water". Kinkajou replies. "Is she ok?" I ask. Kinkajou shrugs in reply. "I hope so", she mummers.

Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in my head. "Turtle! You're a seawing, get down there and help them.", I say commandingly. He looks scared. "Me? No, I can't. I won't be any help anyway.", he replies. "Turtle. Dragons could die if you don't get down there and help them. How would it feel to know that you caused their death. So get your lazy seawing stripes down there, and do something!", I growl. Turtle nods, afraid, and jumps into the water. I see him rub something. "Ugh. That lazy son of a camel spitting toad", I growl. Kinkajou looks at me, confused. "Sorry", I say. Suddenly, Tsunami appears above the water. "It's dead", she said seriously. "And Moon?", Kinkajou asks. Moon suddenly appears above the water. "I'm fine.", she says. "Just a cut on my right arm.", she replies. I nod. Tsunami looks serious. Her face had a small gash on, and a deep cut on her left arm. "Heron and Turtle are also ok. Heron has a small gash on her leg. Turtle is swimming upstream to get the nurse. Winter needs help". Kinkajou blinks. "Winter?", she asks. Tsunami dives back in with Moon, probably to get Winter out. Suddenly, Heron appears out of the water. "Winter's down there. I don't know what happened, but I think he ran out of air. Moon and Tsunami are getting him up", she says. "I'm glad your ok. Lets get you to the infirmary when Tsunami and Moon come back with Winter.", I reply. Heron smiles. "Ya", she said. I glance worriedly at the water. "I hope Winters ok", I say. Heron nods, her face anxious.

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