🌑1st Class🌑 Pt 1

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Moon sat up from the sound of the gong echoing around from the great hall, gathering her map and schedule. She glanced at Winter, who looked wide awake and alert, not knowing what the gong was for. "It signals that the first class starts in 2 minutes. 1 gong means 1.", she helps. He rolls his eyes, saying, "I knew that Nightwing". She sighs, and picks up her schedule, checking her classes. She sees Winter check his classes beside her, and his face contorts into one of disgust.

WHAT! We have ALL of our classes together? his mind roared, while the rest of him stayed silent. As if things weren't bad enough already. he thought.

Moon had no idea why he hated her tribe so much. She knew about the Icewing/Nightwing war, but she didn't know what it was about, or what had caused it, but this Icewing seemed to know. Maybe she could try and make friends with him. "What classes do you have?" she asked in an attempt to make conversation with him. He scowled at her, but it didn't look genuine. Why is she talking to me? Doesn't she understand that I don't like her? Well, I try not to anyway. Whatever, just ignore her, he thought. "Same as yours" he mumbles. "Do you know which way to go? Or do you need the map? I've already memorized it '', she told him politely. He rolled his eyes. "I don't need a piece of paper to tell me which way to go," he said.

"Alright then. But do you even know which class we have first?", she asked

"Hunting" he said, and turned his back on her.

Well that conversation didn't last long, Moon thought to herself. She took her map and schedule with her to her first class, and walked out the cave behind Winter. She followed him out their winglet's section, and into the hallway, but she soon saw that he kept checking back to make sure she was going in the same direction as him.

"Are you sure you don't need the map?", she called to him.

"NO", he replied with an angry huff, and went into a separate hallway.

"That's the wrong way", she called him. He stopped walking and turned around.

"Fine then. Which way Nightwing?", he asked rudely. She flinched.

"I have a name you know", she replied. Winter ignored her, and waited for her to lead the way.


One minute already? I didn't even hear the 2nd gong, Moon thought. She hurried down the hallway, and into the classroom cave, with Winter behind her. She checked the clock on the cave wall. 9:32. She was 2 minutes late.

"Thank you for joining us Moonwatcher and Winter", she heard someone say. She looked away, and scanned the cave. The cave was only slightly bigger than her own, and on the floor, 5 dragonets were sitting, waiting for her and Winter. A deep blue seawing was waiting for her at the front of the cave.

"Sorry", she murmured shyly, her head aching from the thoughts in the room.

She walked over to an empty spot in the circle, next to a multicolored Rainwing. Kinkajou, if she remembered right. "Hello! Your name's Moonwatcher right?" she asked. "Yes", Moon replied softly. "I love the silver scales around your eyes! They're really pretty", she said brightly. "Oh, um, thanks", Moon said nervously. However, despite this Rainwings friendly outside personality, her mind was thinking differently.

Oh coconuts and mangos, why did she sit next to me? Sure it was the only spot, but still. I already spent too much time around Nightwings. I hope my PTSD doesn't kick in. she thought.

Moon didn't know what that was about, but she tried her hardest to ignore the thoughts, and smiled back. She glanced at Winter, who was standing awkwardly, not knowing where to sit. "Go ahead and sit down in the empty space next to Moonwatcher. You're already late, we need to hurry up and get started", the seawing, probably Tsunami, said sternly. "I got a bit lost", he said frostily. "Don't let it happen again," she replied. Winter sat down next to her, not looking very happy about it.

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