dear marlo, i'm not okay

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He gathers a piece of paper, a ballpoint pen, and his thoughts, then begins to write down the truth.

Dear Marlo,

If I'd followed my own rules, maybe I wouldn't be sitting alone wondering what I'm going to do with myself now that you're gone.

I should have known not to fall for your sickly sweet smile, insincere kisses, and empty promises. I should have listened to the voice in my head constantly screaming for me to run. I should saw the way you'd seem to stare off whenever we were together, as if there was some other place you'd rather be.

I should've.

I could've.

But I didn't.



He takes a step into the woods where they'd last seen each other. He no longer can see the beauty that lies in the flowers. The beautiful high pitched songs that the forest birds made, mean absolutely nothing to him. He only remembers her laugh, and the wind whipping her hair in all different directions.

All he wants to do is forget about her. The ways she talks, and walks, and twirls her hair around her finger. He doesn't want to see flashes of her eyes, or the curve of her lips when she smiles. He does not want to spend his days thinking about how she gave the best hugs.

He doesn't want to remember anything about her.

He sighs heavily, and pulls out the last poem she'd written him. The paper is folded in fourths, it looks slightly worn out because of him repeatedly unfolding the poem.

He takes a breath, weak and small as he feels, then reads the words aloud.

There is none as lively, flawless, and innocent

As you

For you are perfect, like a finished puzzle

You are the sunshine on a rainy day

You break through walls of endless sorrow

There is no way to discribe

The strong pull I feel towards you

I'm scared and not ready to

Accept my feelings

You've encaptured me with your

Undeniable charm

That I've tried my hardest to


But even so, the burning passion within you

Ignites the withering fire inside me

Then all over again my feelings

Spark stronger than before

And now I can not deny

That I am




In love with you

It's funny how people look so harmless but really; they're just a devil in disguise.

The poem is left on the forest floor to be destroyed by whatever nature has to offer.

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