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they notice the things she does

and they think it's poetic.

they search for her darkest moments 

just to find something worth writing about.

because she's broken, she must have

some philosophical speeches hidden.

so they dig and get personal, they

leave her with open wounds

that will take longer to heal.

they spill regrets out

like it's no big deal. she was already shattered

nothing even matters now.

they see beauty in her depressing

words, and they find it angelic.

they watch her cry and leave the those

familiar tear streaks. her sobs are a

song of despair floating

in the air.

her demons seem to be running

wild, how exciting is that. they label

these demons as colors, to

sound more insightful. and oddly enough

grey is the most

helpless. how poetic.

they watch as she builds up a

great wall that they speak of as

indestructible and strong. how she

expertly constructs solid bricks

of poker faced stares, and one word answers

as the mortar. they

are witnesses to the first person she locks out

of her sturdy tower

of solitude. they

see her disappear from this world

and reappear as someone
different the next day.

their hunger eyes gaze at her with

anticipation as they wait for

her next move. she walks

in an armour that protects her

from anything

and everything.

this shield is that deflects anyone who tries

to break down her barrier.

this armour had become

a prison as opposed

to her safe


these poets look at her

as if she's sheet of paper calling

to be written on. they take it upon 

themselves to tell

her story as

they see it. these poets fill her mind

with words to convince her that she

is the broken toy that needs to be

fixed. these poets take something

they see as sad and try to make

it beautiful, but they only end up

with something twice as tragic

Of Small Hours and Racing ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now