delete my existence

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delete my existence,

let me disappear from here.

make me no longer a shadow

but a whisper in the air.

wipe your hands of my essence,

clean your thoughts of my presence.

erase the markings i've left on

various pages. disintegrate

all memories recorded

of reminiscence.

delete my existence,

from your beds sheets to your

coffee mugs. forget about the

smiles, laughs, cries, hopes,

 and dreams. let our phones

calls into the morning light

fade away. let your memories

of me turn to dust.

delete my existence from

your morning routines and the

odd nights when you can't sleep.

delete my existence from everything

you've ever known

 and everything you'll come to


delete my existence

from your poems to all your

paintings. erase my words.

erase our moments.

forget you ever knew me.

it'll make it easier to leave

this way.

Of Small Hours and Racing ThoughtsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat