Chapter 4

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- ~The Meeting~-

Alexandra's POV

I and my siblings were standing in front of the four rulers, well 3 since The Queen of Targaryen was absent.

The room was silent and I could feel their eyes stare at me with judgemental looks.

I felt uncomfortable since the 3 rulers were all men. I took a deep breath knowing that they would choose my Brother George as the new ruler.

"We have been waiting for 1 fucking hour for that bitch" Rowan yelled loudly making my siblings flinch.

"Calm down, Rowan." Robert glared at him, but this only made Rowan angrier

"Shut the fuck up, Bastard" Rowan flipped him off

Robert scoffed and threw a blade at him, cutting Rowan's cheek.

Rowan got up and grabbed his sword, ready to slice him in half. Before he got to kill Robert, a loud screech was heard. Rowan looked up and turned pale, everyone looked up and ran behind the pillars.

The Ceiling made of window was smashed by a black dragon and screams from Rowan were heard around the room along with a maniac laugh.

Once the room felt kinda safe, I peeked around the pillars and saw the dragon turn into a gorgeous woman.

She had an elegant red dress that reached under her ankle, black heels, a fur coat that reached above her knees, and her crown held high.

There I saw Y/n standing with her hand on her hip, smirking, as she admired everyone's fear that lingered around the room.

"It is Lovely to be here again" Y/n laughed

"You psychotic bitch" Rowan said, trying to catch his breath

"Says the little boy who was screaming like a baby" She looked down at him.

"I'm a man!" He yelled at her

"Then earn it!" She looked down on him with a glare.

This made Rowan angry, he stood up and tried to punch her, but before he ever did that, she kicked him in the legs making Rowan fall on his face. Y/n walked over to him and kicked him in the nose.

"Darling, you know the rules, no killing nor fighting during the meeting," she said as she wiped her black heels on his cheek.

" Reparo" She said, she waved her arm towards the broken ceiling, and surprisingly the materials on the ground started to levitate above her like a fire wave. The materials were pieced together and repaired themselves.

She looked up with a satisfied smile.

" Alexandra Gryffindor is the rightful heir to the throne, thus, making her the new Queen" She lowered her eyes and looked at me directly.

"Well I decide that George should be the new ruler, he looks fitting for this position and he is a male of course" Rowan got up and glared at Y/n.

"Really?" Y/n said sarcastically

"Alexandra and George, come here," She said

I took a deep breath and walked to her while George hesitated to come.

"We don't have your time, George!" She exclaimed, making George run towards her.

I and George stood in front of her.

"Are you two willing to sacrifice your life for your kingdom?" She said in a stern voice.

"Yes," We said

"Then prove your loyalty " She handed us two bottles filled with a clear liquid.

"What is this?" George said with a snobbish voice

"If you are willing to die for your people, then drink that poison, only I have the cure. The problem is I only have one bottle that holds the cure," Y/n said.

I opened the bottle and looked at her.

"If I don't make it and my brother fails to be a great ruler, would you promise me that you would protect my people even if they are old?" I said

She smiled softly and nodded.

I smiled and sighed in relief.

I drank the whole bottle and smiled. Suddenly I felt dizzy and blacked out.


I saw Alexandra blackout and fall to the ground, but before she hit the ground I grabbed her by the waist and carried her in my arms. I looked at her and caressed her face softly.

Robert and Tom quickly got a table and put it in the middle of the room, where I gently put Alexandra on the table.

I walked back to George and looked at him with a smirk.

"I'll drink it if you give me the cure," George smirked

"Why should I do that?"

"Because I'm not an idiot like my sister"

"Here" I handed him the cure, which he harshly took it away from me.

He then swallowed the poison and later swallowed the cure. He stood there with a snobbish smile and looked at me with pride. But 3 minutes passed and he fell to the ground.

I scoffed, gaining Everyone's attention.

"Why did he blackout?" Rowan said

"Didn't he drank the cure?" Tom asked while putting the boy in a chair with the help of Rowan.

"Is he dead?" Robert raised his eyebrow while slapping George on the cheek.

"Calm down drama queens, the poison is just tranquilizers. They should be up by tomorrow." I looked at them.

"By now we should know who the new ruler should be, this was only a test to show their true colors. Alexandra accepted death with open arms and even after death, she still cared for her people. She was determined to protect those who were closer to death." I took my coat off and place it around her.

"While George was selfish and did it for his own benefits. He even proceeds to insult his sister for trying to protect her people and took the bottle very aggressively" Tom said, I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and turned away.

"And to add some reasons, Alexandra is the rightful heir to the throne since birth. King Albert was just a bitch who believed that man should only rule and chosen Alexander as the king, knowing how Alexander was incapable to lead a kingdom. The boy was just so full of himself" I rubbed my temple in frustration.

"Y/n is right, Alexander had a lot of pride which got him killed in the first place," Robert said, as he brought me a chair to sit.

"Thank you, Rob"

" No Problem," He said as he patted my head.

"I vote for Alexandra as the new ruler," I said with a tired voice

"I vote for her, too." Robert and Tom said

That just left Rowan to decide.

"Fuck this, I vote for George"

"So that makes Alexandra the first Queen." I smiled

"What about her siblings?" Tom asked

I looked at the girls who were hidden behind the pillars looking at me with fear.

"They still look young, they can go to their rooms. Let's not ruin their childhood with these responsibilities." I smiled at him and he just looked away shyly.

"So it is decided, Alexandra is the new Queen" I rose from my chair and stood up straight.

"This meeting is finally over, you may all go home and get your best suit, for the coronation is in 4 days" I announced as the others bow down to me. 

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