ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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~• plan •~

I was sitting in my throne planning my revenge on the Gryffindor Empire. My sisters were reading a book sitting on the floor stairs looking very frustrated. Everything was peaceful until a guard opened the doors very violently.

He ran up to me making me and my sisters to stand.

"What do you want" I demanded the blonde man

"The Gryffindor Empire has invaded the land. They have been stealing, raping, and kidnapping people from the land" He said trying too keep his composure.

"Let him in"


"Didn't you heard me, Let Them In." I looked at him one more time before he left.

"What are you planning?" Mary questioned me with a scared looked

"A lot of things" I turned to look at her with a smirk.

Then the doors were opened very violently again.
This time it was King Alexander surrounded by his soldiers.

He walked forward with a smirk plastered in his face.

"So we meet again" he spoke with proudness.

"It is very good to see you, My king."

"Give it up Y/N the throne belongs to me."

"The throne is yours. It is very tiring been a ruler of the 5 kingdoms, and you were right. Women are not fitting to be rulers we are only good for marriages and taking care of our children" I looked at Alexander with sadness in my eyes.

Mary looked at me with shock and anger, but I just ignored her.

"In fact, I invite you and and all of your soldiers for dinner right now." I smiled at them.

"Why will you give up your throne?" Alexander questioned me.

"Because ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to join the Gryffindor Empire, but unfortunately I was stuck in this stupid family. That's my second reason to give up my throne, and I can now call you my king of the 5 Empires"

Alexander and his soldiers were cheering and smiling. I told the maids to show them their  room and their new clothes while I went to my room.

I grabbed a book and sat down on my bed when I heard my door being locked.

I looked up to see it was only my sisters.

"Why will you do that?" Mary whispered to me harshly making me flinch.

"What I had to do. Alexander was right A women can't rule 5 kingdoms" I gave her a smile

I could see Mary was very angry and started to mumble curses, while Itzel had a smirk on her lips being unbothered by my choice.

"Lets just go to the dinning room and have dinner" I smiled. I unlocked the door and went to the dining room with my sisters behind me.

When I entered the dining room every man were dressed very elegantly while Alexander had his red Cape decorated with furr, his fingers decorated with rings, and my crown on his head.

The soldiers sat in a normal chair, and Alexander  sat in my throne. The maids started to bring the food, drinks, and desserts when the maids left Alexander raised from the throne and lifted his gold cup.

"It is a pleasure to be the king of the 5 kingdoms. We knew this day will happened since we were little, but we wouldn't have done it without the help of Y/N." Alexander walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

"That Is why I want to marry Y/N not only for being a women, no no no she has the right qualities to be a Gryffindor and a queen. What do you say Y/N, will you marry me?" Alexander got into his knee holding a diamond ring in front of me while looking at me with a smile.

"Yes, I will marry you!" I smiled at him then he pulled me into a hug and kissed me passionately.
Then all of his soldiers started to cheer very loudly, but in the corner of my eyes I saw Mary with tears and Itzel with a smirk while hugging Mary. I ignored them and started kissing Alexander.

Alexander pulled away from the kiss and walked back to the throne. He lifted his golden cup filled with wine getting everyone's attention.

"I like to make a toast to my bride, and the kingdoms I will rule" He said and everyone cheered.

Then Alexander and his soldiers drinked the whole wine, and started cheering more.

"Do you want some, Darling?" Alexander asked handing me a cup of wine.

"No thank you" I denied

"Oh come on, just one sip." He demanded

"She said 'No Thank you' moron, if she drinks alcoholic stuff she might die." A voice from behind me said in a raspy voice.

I turned around just to see my sister, Itzel, looking at Alexander with a frown.

"Now, please drink the wine, or, you can kill my sister" she said in a sweet voice, but she put a maniac smile making me shiver.

Alexander looked at her with a frown, but either  way he still drinked the wine, Then his soldiers started choking and falling to the ground.

Sooner or Later Alexander started falling down to my feet while choking making his face red.

I bend down and lifted up his head, so he could see my e/c eyes.

"Don't ever underestimate a woman, or a women's land and people" I said with a smirk

I grabbed the golden crown from his head and put it in my head.

"Just Remember my face, because I'm the Woman who killed you when no man couldn't" I said while getting up, and watch him suffer till he died.

"Well that was fun to watch" Itzel said with a sarcastic voice

"Oh how I missed being a Queen Again" I smil6e at Itzel.

"Chill out drama queen, You were only replaced like 2 hours ago." Itzel rolled her eyes

"You know I can have you executed for that attitude, Itzel" I glared at her

"Aweee I love you too, sis" she said giving me another sarcastic voice

I just rolled my eyes at her until I noticed something missing.

"Where's Mary"

"Upstairs in her room" Itzel explained while poking Alexander's body with a stick.

"She must be upset with me, maybe we should talk to her." I looked at Itzel

"Alright, but can I keep the body to feed my dragon?" She looked at me with her puppy eyes.

I only sighed

"Sure" I said while walking up the stairs with Itzel following me behind me with a dead body being dragged like a doll by Itzel.

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