3. Decisions

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Today, I decided that I would hold off on wolf shifting. I may still pursue it in the future, but I want to focus on and finish mer shifting first. 

My m-flares are continuously getting stronger, at this point, if I have a flare, the air here is suffocating. I was just in a vacation in Florida where I went to the beach almost every other day, I came back home now, though. It's harder than I expected. 

I think I may try and start my p-shift or ph-shift soon. I'm not completely sure yet, though. I am posting a mer shifting information book on my shifting account, Raven_A_Mer, if anyone is interested. 

Today I'm looking further into how I could successfully teach myself and learn the skills for the jobs the pod I am part of will have when we go to the ocean, fully shift, and become adults or of age. I'm interested in being a warrior, hunter, and/or healer. 

To be honest, though, there isn't much information for me to base it off, so, I'm having to try and be creative with the ideas. 

I am going to try and learn a power or two though, so that will be helpful once I figure out which it will be. 

It was also raining here today, so I should have collected more rain water. I didn't get the chance though, since I was babysitting. By now the rain has stopped. 

Goodnight! (it's 12 minutes 'till midnight for me, I'm tired)

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