10. Back?

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Okay, so school started and I wasn't active. But, I do apologize for that, and the fact that this is my third chapter in a row where I have an apology.

I'm getting algebra homework every day, plus football season is coming up, so I have to practice my drum line music a lot more than usual along with my after school practice to mentor the seventh grade percussionists. It's making at of my activities have to be timed just right.

If anyone does care, I'm back to being okay mental health wise, so it'll be easier for me to write now.

I, like normal, have done nothing but script for reality shifting.

I did a bit more research for Mer shifting, and had another one of my normal m-flares. By now, that happen at random or can be triggered, like normal.

Witchcraft has some of the simplest things for me to do each day compared to RS and MS, meaning I've been able to have more progress on that. I have various protections up now that school started, a few of them are with my at school, such as my charmed necklace.
I've discovered recently(I don't know if I've said this before) that I'm quite sensitive to other people's energy, the energy of a space, spirits, and I can see faint shapes of energy/spirits. I was surprised(for some reason) to find that in each of my classes, I can feel different energy.
If anyone on this school bus looks over my shoulder and reads my phone, they'll think I'm insane.

Anyways, we're almost at my school, so
Have a good Day/Night
🌊🐺✨Raven ✨🐺🌊

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