6. Drained

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I was stupid today, I overdid the witchcraft by quite a bit.

I did a meet your spirit guide meditation, it seemed like it worked. I won't go into detail, as it feels like it is a more personal thing.

When I was doing so, I had tried to out an energy shield up. I hadn't thought that through, since I had stopped focusing on it and all the energy I put I to the shield just got released. I felt the difference not long after, but still brushed it off.

Then, I decided, later, that I would make a protection spell bottle. I grounded, cleansed all my ingredients/tools, made the bottle, etc. I won't go into full detail as I don't believe my spell process belongs in a journal. But, when I did the spell bottle, I didn't realize it would be energetically draining.

So—needless to say— I wound up with a headache for the rest of the day.

I still managed to get a little bit of research done, though— along with a little bit of pointe work(I know it doesn't relate to this, I wanted to add it anyways).

I also figured out that I can see the energy and spirits if they're strong enough. I didn't want to learn this, but I talked to my mom and she could do this too when she practiced witchcraft. It's getting stronger as I get better at sensing energy. How it tends to happen, is I feel a strong energy so I look in that direction. When I look, I see a small blur or slight shape that disappears quickly once I look. It always lines up with the energy, the darker energy I sense has a darker color; and vice versa.

I've always been sensitive to energy and could feel it, I just nerves knew what it was called or put a label on it until now.

I honestly found it kind of creepy. Plus, most of the energy was darker, I'm cleansing the house. Especially my room, where the energy has been most noticeable.

🌊🐺✨Raven ✨🐺🌊

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