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"Hey, Y/L/N, maybe your luck will be better next time!"  One of the guys standing over by the bar shouts.  Darts.  This pesky game.  Unable to turn down a challenge, I've given it my all.  Still can't hit the damn center.  Luck...  Being lucky is an unknown world to me.  My life has been riddled with so many unlucky experiences, I'm surprised I'm still standing.  I'm amazed I'm still breathing.  That was never from luck, though.  It's because I'm too stubborn to give into anything.

"If I could just go get my forty-five, believe me, I'd hit it!"  I shout back, a sour tone in my voice.  Wouldn't mind blowing a hole through this board, anyways.  I place the darts back and head towards the bar.  "I had an eyelash in my eye, it affected my aim."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep tonight, Y/N."  Barron, the smartass of the group, chimes.  "Maybe, the wall isn't completely leveled."

I wave my finger at him.  "Unleveled wall, I like that.  I'm using that, thank you."

"Anytime, honey.  Anytime."  I watch as a smirk forms across his lips, turning his attention to the bartender.  "Let me get one more round for me and my little lady here."

"Oh, no, Barron, I've had enough.  I've got flight training to do tomorr--," I try to decline, but he interrupts me.

"Come on, Y/L/N, you'll still be able to fly, I know you're not a lightweight.  Besides, it might help with your aim."

"You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"  I ask, raising an eyebrow at him as the bartender sits my glass down in front of me.

"Not in the slightest chance."  I watch as his smirk turns into a smile.  Barron and I have had a decent friendship ever since I arrived on base, nearly a year ago.  His witty sense of humor made me feel at home almost instantly.  "But, seeing as I hate seeing you struggle, I'm here to help."  He picks up his glass, clinks it against mine, drinks it down in one shot, then heads over to the dartboard.

I snort.  "You might be here to help, but I know it's going to be mostly me struggling while you make fun of how painful it's going to be to watch."  I shoot my last drink down and stand, following him.

"You know you wouldn't have it any other way."  He grasps the darts and comes to a stop beside me.  "You've gotta become the dart.  It's an extension of your hand, just like how your firearm is.  The only thing that's different is how you aim it."  I watch as he looks the dart over.  "In a way, this is like you.  Sharp, flying through the air so smoothly, no one could ever touch you.  Sleek, beautifully simple, and potentially deadly if used correctly."  He raises his arm and with a simple motion, he launches the dart right into the center of the board.  "An unappreciated beauty."  Before I can even speak, he takes my hand and guides me in front of him.  "Take this," he carefully lays a dart down onto my hand, "And don't overthink it.  Don't try to shoot straight, let it go where it needs to go."  His hand travels up my forearm as he guides me further, shifting my stance where it needs to be.  With his guidance, I hit the center on my first try.  I can't help but squeal with pleasure.  "See?  That wasn't so hard now, was it?"  He asks as I look back at him, smiling like a fool.

"No, it wasn't..."  I pause for a moment as we both smile at one another, his arm still wrapped around my waist, his hand still gently grasping my arm.  "So, I'm a dart, huh?"  I smirk slightly, teasing him.  "I've been called worse."

"Now that, I have a hard time believing."  I watch as his eyes search mine.  "Will you let me walk you back to your quarter?"  We've flirted from time to time, but nothing serious has ever come out of it.  I'm sure it could if we let it, but I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't somewhere else.

I nod.  "I would appreciate that.  Thank you for this, I've had a good time tonight.  I needed to get out for a bit...  Leave it to you to be the one who got me out of my shell."  

"I enjoyed it, too.  And now, I've even got a nickname for you."  I watch as he begins to grin.

"Oh, really?  What would that happen to be?"


I shake my head slightly and laugh.  "In some strange way, that's almost romantic.  It can stay."  I glance around us.  "Hey, guys!"  I shout, getting everyone's attention.  We're surrounded by the people we work with, close friends, and people that have become family.  "My nickname is now Dart!  Let it be known!"  I laugh, the alcohol I've consumed tonight taking the slightest hold of me.  Everyone raises their drinks as laughter fills the air.  It's been a good night.

Releasing me from his grasp, he places the darts back one last time and we're on our way out.  After shouting goodnight to everyone, Barron opens the door to walk out, but in return, all we're met with is a blast from an explosion not twenty feet in front of us.  Then another one not ten feet away.  Everything goes numb as my body is sent flying back like a missile.  I can't hear anything, I can't feel anything, I can't move.  The only thing I'm consciously aware of is the smell of smoke filling my lungs with every labored breath I try to take.  I'm suddenly able to hear screaming, painfilled cries, and gunfire.  I hear Barron.  I hear him crying out for me, then nothing.  I want to scream, I want to cry out, but I can't.  The only thing I'm able to do is lay wherever I landed and wait for death to claim me, because surely... it's coming.

"If anything moves, shoot it.  I just want the girl!"  A man with a heavy German accent states firmly.  "Find her!"   Ah, sweet peace.  Sweet darkness.  The pain is gone.  The war of 1944 is no longer my concern.

Save You To Save Me {| BuckyBarnes x Reader |}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora