Diner - Closing Chapter

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In the weeks since we returned home, Bucky and I both took some time off.  We took care of some personal business we had been neglecting simply from our pasts weighing us down, and then took a trip to the mountains during the last weekend of our vacation.  There's been many laughs, a million smiles, new memories, and a completely new look on life.  I've been taking less dangerous missions, and I've been focusing more on helping those who come back from those missions a different person.  It's been one of the most rewarding jobs I've had my entire life, and I know it's where I belong.  Instead of never speaking about my experiences, and making my story as hushed as possible, I'm using it to connect with others.  I couldn't be any happier.  Bucky has been taking his time in trying to find what he enjoys most in life, and just like me, it's helping others.  For him, though, it's the kids down in Brooklyn who don't know what their future is going to look like.  He's already helped so many of them just by listening to their stories and giving them a place to come to.  We both come into the office when it's dire, and we're still on Nick's speed dial, but we've taken a step back from the mainline work.  It's been healthy for us.

It's Saturday.  I walk into my apartment after going for my morning run, which is actually an afternoon run seeing as it's the weekend.  Sitting on the kitchen counter is a gift-wrapped box with a letter on top, catching me off guard for a moment.  I sit my keys down as a smile forms across my lips.  I go over to the box and pick up the letter, reading it before pulling the lid off. 

"I promised you a dance and I've yet to follow through.  I think tonight is a perfect time, don't you?  Meet me at the diner tonight, a driver will be at your place, waiting, by seven-thirty.  Don't forget those waves, doll.  I'll see you tonight.

Love, Bucky."

My smile grows as I sit the letter down, remove the bow from the box, and lift the lid off.  It's a lovely red, nineteen-forties styled dress with a string of pearls resting by the collar.  It's beautiful.  It reminds me of the one my mother had.  "Oh, Bucky," I mutter to myself as I take the items out.  It's a little after one in the afternoon, I've got time to perfect everything.  I don't know why he wants to meet at the diner, though.  I haven't been down to that part of Brooklyn in the longest time, but to the best of my knowledge, that place has been out of business for decades now.  I haven't had the heart to go by there since the last time.  It broke my heart to see it so dilapidated.  That was nearly ten years ago now.  What do you have up your sleeve?  I take the box into my bedroom and sit it on the bed.  After taking a quick shower, I begin getting ready.  Taking it back to the older days, I follow the same routine I used back then.  I roll my hair and do my makeup as it dries, taking my time to make sure my red lips are perfectly done.  I keep it simple.  By the time I get my hair done, my dress on, all of my jewelry on and dig out the perfect pair of heels, it's nearly time to go.  I grab my clutch and head downstairs, where I see a 1940s taxi parked in front of the main door.  A grin breaks out across my lips as I walk outside to see Steve standing there, dressed in his old uniform, waiting to greet me.

"Steve?"  I laugh, surprised.  "What are you doing here?"

"Making sure my friend's date arrives safely and on time," he states as he opens the back passenger door, gesturing me in.  "Ma'am..."

"My goodness...  He's really thought of everything, hasn't he?"  I step off the entry and get into the taxi.

"You have no idea how right you are."  His smile grows as he closes the door and gets in the driver's seat.  "This isn't quite as nice of a ride as the newer day cars, don't mind the bumps too much."

"Please, I used to love seeing these drive around the city as a little girl.  I don't mind," I reassure as we pull out into the traffic.  We get caught up, seeing as we haven't spoken much since I left the main office.  He tells me about the missions he's been on, how things are going with his friend Sam and the work that they've been doing, as well as helping Bucky get their old neighborhood cleaned up.  We talk about the work I've been doing as I share some of the best stories I've heard with him.  It's a decent ride.  As we pull up at the diner, though, I lose all sense of speech.  All I can do is stare.  "He didn't," I mutter as Steve offers me a hand out of the car.

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