Chapter Three

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I open my eyes to a sunny room.  What the...  Oh, right.  Slowly, I shift myself from the position I've been in for only God knows how long, trying to stretch out.  Taking a moment to look around the room and try to collect my groggy thoughts, I know I need to remove myself from the comforts of this bed and start the day.  What time is it, anyway?  Reaching over to the nightstand, I grasp my phone.  It's 7:31, almost an hour before my alarm is supposed to go off.  I send Nick a quick text, telling him to call me when he's awake.  Different time zones.  I sit on the edge of the bed and rub my eyes before getting up, gathering my daily needs, and heading into the bathroom to finally catch a shower.  I have no clue if he's awake or not, but I stay extra quiet just in case he's not.  I know getting startled awake is one thing, getting startled awake when you're like us is another.  I hope he slept alright...

With one last check in the mirror, I walk out of the bathroom and quietly come out into the main area of the cabin.  To my surprise, I find him in the kitchen.  Even more surprising, I find him cooking.  His hair is still tossed around from sleeping.  He's in a black tank-top, and jeans.  So casual.  I find myself looking at his arm, a silent part of my mind wondering how he's handling the nearly constant reminder of who he was.  It's not like that's something you can put into a box and forget about.  It's been redesigned, but still.  The only thing I carry with me from my past is a necklace that has a remade bullet pendant hanging from it, from one of the guns I would use when I was her.  It's a reminder that I survived.  I guess his is the same as mine.  Why are you still staring at him?  You know he can probably tell you're there.  Say something!  I walk around to the other side of the island, greeting him with a smile.  "This is a pleasant surprise..."  I sit down on one of the stools.  "Good morning."

I watch as he turns and looks at me, returning my smile.  "Apparently, when you call the front desk and explain to them you want to make a surprise breakfast for your wife, they'll bring you whatever you ask for," he teases lightly.  "Good morning."

"I just hope you know what you're doing in there, Barnes.  No one likes concrete grits," I tease back while scanning the countertop for the coffee maker, pleased to see there's already a pot made.  "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Trust me, Y/L/N, I made breakfast for my Mom every morning.  This is something I'm actually useful for."  He flips the bacon he's focusing on.  "Enough to last through the day, yes.  What about you?  How was your night?"

"I'm sure you're more useful than you realize," I state as I stand, getting a cup of coffee.  "My night was alright, thank you.  Wish I could have tacked on another four hours of sleep, but I'm thankful for what I got."  Leaning back against the counter, I watch him.  "Do you need any help?"

"Getting in as late as we did last night didn't make it as convenient as it could have been, but the good news is that there's still no sign of our seller.  As of right now, he's not scheduled to be here until Monday, which gives us two days."  He glances back at me.  "If you want to get the two plates sitting on the island?"

"Gives us enough time to get set up and figure out a plan.  If there's some way I could bug that cabin before he arrives, that would be ideal."  The cabins are spaced out rather far from one another, which gives us just enough room to watch without being seen.  "Yeah, sure."  I grab the plates and sit them down on the counter by the stove, handing him one at a time as he dishes.

"I'm sure we could get in and out, it's just a question of if it's worth running the risk of getting caught."  He takes the first plate from me.  "Thank you."  Eggs, grits, bacon.  Perfect.  "If anything, maybe we can tap something outside of the cabin.  But surely, they have cameras on the property.  Whatever we do, it needs to be quick and quiet."

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