Final Thoughts -- Author's Notes

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Welcome to the page of recovery.  Trust me, I needed this, too.  A nice page at the end of this roller-coaster of a story to collect our thoughts and share why I just drug y'all through this.  So, I got the idea to write this story after watching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, naturally, respectfully.  I had a plot set in my mind -- it was simple, easy to follow along, and easy to write.  Of course, being a writer, I knew my work would end up taking me in an entirely different direction than that I had intended.  I used to it by this point, honestly.  That being said, the story got a lot more twists and turns than originally planned.  Some of the plot twists I didn't even see coming!

I wanted to incorporate Bucky's struggles and make them relatable in a way.  I didn't want him to seem broken, rather than someone who has been carrying the weight of their entire world on their back.  He can't help what he had been put through, and shouldn't be judged for the way he reacts to things.  I wanted the reader to experience that as well, which brings us to your  tragic back story.  You can relate to Bucky, and understand what he deals with.  Everyone handles things differently, of course, but I wanted you to have a taste of it.  The constant need to survive doesn't just go away after the war is over, it's something that you can't easily shut off.  I also wanted to capture how powerful it can be when we share what we go through daily, rather than when we bury it all down and stay silent, much like you and Bucky do in the beginning.  We learn that through communication, they're able to connect far greater than they could have without it.  It opens up the story for them and gives them another path to follow.

I don't want to dump a load of information on you, seeing as we all just went through this long-ass book, so I'll keep this short.  I hope you all enjoyed this fanfic because the amount of work I've put into it has been insane.  This story has consumed me for over a week now of continuous work.  As I write this, I still have more work to do before publishing.  Still, it's all been worth it.  I adore Bucky, and I hope after reading this, you will as well.

Does she take the file home?  Does she show it to Bucky?  Do they accept the mission?  Do they decline?  You get to decide that.  The choices we make every single day shape our future.  Who am I to tell you if you accept the mission or not?  Only you can make that choice.  Choose wisely, listen to your heart, and always have faith in your steps.

By the way guys, please know that Bucky's hair has driven me crazy.  Trying to find gifs that go along with certain scenes has been almost impossible, never mind the fact that in one he's got long hair, and in the other it's short.  I tried to keep it all the same, but I don't have the ability to play around photoshopping gifs together besides the generic editing websites.  Also, let it be known that I've tweaked his story as the Winter Soldier.  I know not everything is accurate to the character's back story.

Until the next time, my dames and dreamboats.  God, I love the 40s.

Songs mentioned in the story so you can listen along --

Their first dance: You'll Never Know by Dick Haymes

The song that's playing when she wakes up after the plot change, only the lyrics are mentioned: Time After Time by Margaret Whiting

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