Chapter Four

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We pull into the driveway, it's now nearly four in the morning.  He parks and quickly gets out, coming over to my side.  I open the door and ease myself out of the car, the constant pain bugging the hell out of me.  He grasps my other arm and helps me the rest of the way.  I groan lightly, knowing the morning is going to suck.  "I'm alright," I whisper as I clear my door to close it.  "Thank you."  The place is small, but it's good enough.  Anything is better than nothing at this point.  Just as long as it's safe, that's all I care about.  I don't expect there to be much inside, and I don't expect it to have a vase full of roses, or a bottle of champagne for us to enjoy.  At least we had one night of peace, and one day of fun.  I'm kicking myself in the ass, though, seeing as we couldn't fulfill the entire reason why we came down here.

I try to carry my bags, but Bucky won't let me.  I'm too tired to protest.  We approach the front door and find the hidden key Nick told us about during the drive.  We're right off the coastline, the moon is shining down onto the water, it's beautiful out here.  It sucks we're stuck in this borderline bunker for the next two days, but I'm sure it can't be that bad.  Right?  Oh, Lord...  We head inside.  There's a fireplace, hardly any furniture, a small kitchen area, and what appears to be a closet as well as a bathroom.  It's small.  It's cramped.  At least the view is nice.  Turning on the flashlight on my phone, I try to provide us with some light while he sits the bags down.  "There are some candles in my bag," I state as I place my phone down on the small table right off of the kitchen.  It's like a studio apartment -- a very open floor plan.  I watch as he effortlessly sits our bags down on the floor, beside the table.  Unzipping my bag, he takes out the candles.

"You thought of everything, didn't you?"  He asks as he pulls them out, handing them to me.

"Can't ever be too careful, remember?  I'm a control freak," I tease lightly as I take them from him.  I sit them down onto the table and dig a lighter out of my bag.  You never know when you may, or may not need fire.  One by one, I begin lighting them.  They should bring us enough light for the nights, hopefully.  If anything, we'll just be bumping into everything.  A fire in the fireplace right now would be hell, seeing as it's already warm outside.  I miss New York weather.  Between the both of us, we space the candles out enough to where it dimly lights the entire space.  Good enough for me.  With a heavy sigh, I sit down in one of the chairs by the table and turn off my flashlight.  I've got to save as much of my battery as possible.  Bucky goes back out to the car and brings in the things we picked up while in town before everything got so out of hand.  It all happened so fast, too...  I watch as he brings the few bags in and places them on the floor in the kitchen.  We didn't get anything that needed to stay cool, thankfully.  I know there's an elephant in the room, but knowing how to start, or when to start talking about it is beyond me.  I'm not good with handling things like this, which is why I keep things to myself.

"Has the bleeding stopped?"  He asks me, pulling me from my thoughts.

I hum, not hearing his question at first, but quickly realizing what he said.  "Oh," I mutter as I look down at my arm.  "Yeah, it's stopped."

I look back up at him as he comes over to me, kit and bottle of tequila in hand.  This is going to hurt, I already know it.  "Do you still trust me to do this?"  He asks, sounding slightly breathless.

"Of course I do," I murmur, my tone of voice matching his.  "Do me the favor of not warning me before something is going to hurt."

He sits everything down onto the table and pulls up the other chair, sitting down next to me.  Shifting over one of the candles, he gives himself enough light to see.  "Are you sure?"  

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