Chapter Five

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I awake in the morning, the sunlight shining brightly through the windows.  What happened last night?  I shift and I'm met with a sharp ache in my arm, causing me to groan lightly.  Oh, right.  Glancing around, I find that I'm laying here alone.  I sit up slowly, groggy as ever.  I don't even know what time it is.  "Bucky?"  I turn around and look behind me, still nothing.  Pulling myself up from the floor, I fully look around.  Nothing.  What the hell?  "Bucky!"  I call out, but there's no answer.  I quickly check the bathroom and the closet.  Nothing.  I grab my gun from my duffle and walk out front, still nothing.  "Bucky!"  I yell, still nothing.  The car is still here.  His stuff is still here.  And now, panic is here, too.  I sweep the area quickly, still running around in my PJs.  I can hear my pulse in my ear, my heart is racing.  Still nothing.  Coming back to the house, I notice a piece of paper tucked under the windshield wiper.  I pluck it and unfold it.  "I still found you."  The paper falls from my hand as I rush back inside and grab my phone, frantically dialing Nick.  I wait for him to answer while slapping my jeans on and tossing our things back in the car.

"Y/N, you've got to stop with these late and early phone calls!"

"They have him," I blur out while getting into the driver's seat.  "Nick, they have Bucky."


"The idiots from last night!  I need you to run a track on his phone or something!  I don't know how they found us, but I don't know where to find them.  Nick, if something happens to him, I--," I huff as I rip out of the driveway.  "I'll never forgive myself."

I hear him curse under his breath, as usual.  "Just give me a second and I'll try to ping his phone.  Hold on."

I feel sick.  I feel physically sick.  I should have put a bullet between Mario's eyes last night, but I didn't want to kill anyone.  He's a revenge-driven wackjob that just misses his wife, I get it.  This, though, it's just too much.  It's too much.  I hit the main road, now having to deal with far more traffic than we did last night.  I head south, weaving in and out between the cars I come across.  "Nick?"  I ask after a moment of silence on his end.

"Hold on," he mutters.  I can hear him typing.  "I just send the location to the car's GPS.  This is where his phone is, not necessarily him."

"I know that," I state while bitting down onto my lip.  "Thank you."

"I wish I was there to help you, I had no idea anything like this was ever going to happen.  I've already sent agents out to deal with that son of a bitch, but they're still a few hours out."  I can hardly hear him anymore, I'm so lost inside my thoughts.  "You really care about him, don't you," he says, more as a comment rather than a question.

"More than I thought I would, more than I probably should in such short notice.  I can't let anything happen to him, I can't lose someone else."  The second the directions hit the screen, I floor it.  "Just pray, alright?  That's the only help you can give me right now unless you've got some techno-gadgets up your sleeve that will make this less stressful."

"I'll get back to you on the techno-gadgets.  I can pull some strings, but it will take me a bit."

"Just put me on hold, please.  Whatever, even if I owe a few people a favor, anything helps.  I need to know what's going on and what I'm dealing with."

"I'll be back, then."  The line goes silent as I clench my jaw.  Screw tropical destinations.  I'll take my home over this place any damn day.  I switch over to the other line and call Bucky's phone, knowing it's pointless.  Someone answers.  It's Mario.

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