Zayn talks to niall

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Niall is sitting on the window sill with tears in his eyes as his playing guitar

Zayn: thought I'd find you here

Niall continues to play guitar and ignore zayn

Zayn: listen buddy I know your mad at me for leaving but I'm not leaving you I'm leaving the band I'm leaving for my mental health I'm leaving the pressure that one direction has put on me I am not leaving you I could never do that your my little brother and I love you please don't hate me

Niall: I don't hate you I'm just sad your leaving because your the only one in the band who really appreciates my talent and my voice and  who hangs out with me when Louis and Harry are making out and Liam and his girlfriend are together it's just you and me against the world and you always knew how to make me happy when I was missing my family but no your leaving it will be just me I will go back to being the one who doesn't deserve to be in one direction

Zayn: you deserve to be in one direction more than any of us in this band you are so talented and the world would be lost without your incredible voice Ni okay and if the boys leave you out of what they are doing you call me and I'll come and kick there ass okay I love you little bro

Niall laughs a little

Zayn: see there that beautiful smile don't you ever lose that smile okay you always keep on smiling and making this world a better place okay?

Niall: okay

Zayn and Niall hug

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