The reveal

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The boys run in and see zayn standing in the room

Louis runs up to Zayn and hugs him

Zayn: you okay mate

Louis: yeah I miss you

Liam: we all do

Zayn: I miss you guys too I heard Niall collapsed on stage and it freaked me out so I came as fast as I could

Niall: boys I need to talk to you sit down please

All the boys sit down with Niall

Niall: the doctor said I am fine I had a blood clot in one of my arteries because I have been smoking quite a bit lately because of how upset I have been with Zayn leaving the band and me not knowing where or what I want in life and it all just became too much so I have decided to take a step back from one direction and go on a break before I lose myself and everyone close to me I'm sorry boys

Liam: Niall we have all talked about it and we are thinking of going on a 18 month break for all of our sakes would you be down to do one last concert with us

Niall has tears in his eyes

Niall: yes I would love to I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore

Harry: we understand brother we can't either and on this note Louis and I have some news

Everyone looks at Louis and Harry

Louis: Harry and I are coming out to the world on our very last concert

Zayn: but what about Simon

Louis: his no longer my manager after the final concert we are firing him

Everyone goes to hug Louis and Harry

Niall: excuse me can you please come to me I can't exactly get out of bed

They all laugh and go and hug Niall

What if Niall horan left the band Where stories live. Discover now