Nouis moment

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Louis is sitting on the couch waiting for Niall to get home

Louis: where have you been young man

Niall: holy shit Louis it's 1 in the morning why are you still awake

Louis: answer my question first you went for a run 6 hours ago I thought something happened to you

Niall: sorry I just needed to clear my head

Louis: about what Niall talk to me stop shutting me out

Niall then sits down next to Louis

Niall: I don't know I have been thinking a lot about Zayn leaving the band and how happy he is now and i don't know I ahh it's hard to explain

Louis: do you want to leave the band Niall?

Niall: would you hate me if I did?

Louis: no of course not mate if you feel you will be happier then you go ahead you have my full support but just know Niall it's not easy going solo I don't want to put you off it or anything but you basically have to start all over again are you really ready to do that

Niall: yeah I think I am I'm ready to take action with my life without Simon in my ear about it all the time I mean if we have a new management team and we fired Simon I would 100% stay

Louis: I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon Ni and hey if your ready to go solo then I'm with you but I'm just saying not everyone will be there to cheer you on the sidelines you'll definitely figure out who your real fans are once you go solo

Niall: yeah I know that's what Zayn said too

Louis: you saw Zayn

Niall: yeah I asked to meet me when I went on a run well I went down to the pier where we filmed "you and I" just to clear my head

Louis: how is he?

Niall: he misses us but his loving the solo career

Louis: okay well I'm going to bed night Ni

Louis goes to hug Niall and smell cigarette on him

Louis: why do you smell of cigarettes

Niall: night bro don't tell anyone yet

Niall runs to his room

Louis: boy don't ignore my question

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