The final five concert

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Liam: good evening everyone I hope everyone is having a fabulous night tonight

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Liam: good evening everyone I hope everyone is having a fabulous night tonight

Fans scream

Liam: so tonight as a lot of you know this will be our last night as a five my boy zayn has taken the text big step and decided to go solo

Fans scream ohh
While Niall tries to put a fake smile on his face

Liam: so tonight let's make this concert louder then ever let's show some love to Zayn and respect his decision

We love you zayn

Zayn: thanks Liam and thank you fans I know a lot of you are heartbroken I'm leaving

Nialls eyes start to water as he says that

Zayn: but I'm so grateful for all of you we definitely have the best fans in the world so thank you

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