Before the concert

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Zayn: hey Niall we need to talk
Zayn grabs Niall by the arm and brings him to a room

Niall: ow what the hell get your hands off me

Zayn: shut up I'm talking now Liam told me what you said about how you aren't good enough and that you want to take the solo route and you know what I'm going through. Niall I'm leaving the band I'm not leaving you I want tonight to be happy and fun and loving even though I'm leaving I want tonight to be a night I remember forever because I'm already sad I'm leaving but Niall I can't leave unless I know your okay hearing you say that stuff about yourself and hearing you saying your dealing with mental health issues scares the shit out of me because I can't lose you Niall so please talk to me talk to your brother tell me what going on and maybe I can help just please don't shut  me out

Niall: I'm sad okay I'm sad that your leaving I'm sad I'm not gonna get to wake up to your pig screaming snore every morning, I'm sad I'm not gonna be able to talk to you about the show and how much the boys are annoying me and yes I do know what your going through with your mental health because I have been dealing with it for such a long time and yes the thought has crossed my mind about leaving the band and going solo even before you mentioned it but that's in the future I love you Zayn

Zayn: I love you too and don't you dare give up on me okay you deserve the fans screaming out your name as much as any of us now give me a hug and get ready for the show because tonight's going to be amazing

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