The news report

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The boys watching the news and this comes on

Niall: is this true I thought Simon said that you can't leave the band

Zayn: yes he did say that but I also said this is my life not his so I have decided I am leaving the band. Next week will be our final concert as a five and that's that Now does anyone else have something to say about this anyone? No? Great now let's enjoy this time and hang out together before I leave

Zayn's phone starts to ring it's Simon Cowell

Zayn's phone starts to ring it's Simon Cowell

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Niall then goes to talk to Louis

Niall: I'm really worried about what Simon might do to zayn with this whole him leaving the band thing aren't you?

Louis: nope not one bit now sit down and eat your breakfast we got a big day today

Niall looks down at his plate with tears in his eyes
Niall: I'm not hungry I'm gonna go to my room

Niall then proceeds to his room with tears flowing out of his big blue eyes and he hops into his bed and finds a photo of him and zayn when they were young

Niall then proceeds to his room with tears flowing out of his big blue eyes and he hops into his bed and finds a photo of him and zayn when they were young

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Niall then quickly wipes away his tears as he hears someone coming towards his room

Paul then opens his curtain
Paul: hey buddy I know your tired but we need you to sing your solo in the story of my life again the audio messed up your part

Niall: that's okay I'll just get dressed and meet you in the studio

Paul: thanks buddy your a good sport

Niall hides his photo wipes away his tears and puts on a fake smile as he walks past the boys

Niall: got to go do some boring adult stuff as he says with a fake laugh the boys ignore him Harry and Louis were making out on the couch and zayn and Liam were wrestling each other

Niall then walks away and his fake smile slowy disappears

What if Niall horan left the band Where stories live. Discover now