the other offer

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The sun has already set the moment you stood in front of the train station with Sendoh beside you. On the way to the airport, the ravenette decided to accompany you. Rukawa has no idea of his mother informing you that he accepted the offer and was now on his way to the airport for his flight.

"(Y/n) stop looking so sappy, it doesn't suit you." Sendoh playfully said, somehow trying to lift the mood. "Don't be so upset, I'm sure he'll be too scared that he'll never find someone like you there." He added.

You snorted and stop yourself from laughing at Sendoh's remarks.

"Shut up, boy. I'm not upset or whatever, I'm glad that he chose to accept it. After all, it is his dream, and he's finally a step ahead of it." You said the side of your lips rose for a brief smile before your mind drifted to that one fight the two of you had.

That leaves you hanging, for Rukawa purposely ignored you back. And you resorting to avoiding him to give him some space to think about everything.

"Then explain the look on your face?"

You glared at him before letting out a sigh. "We had a fight, and we haven't talked for a week, then his mother just told me last night that today is his flight. That basketball freak is an asshole," you rolled your eyes, frowning.

"Heh, but you love him?"

You squinted your eyes at him. "I won't be here if I don't. You stupid or somethin'?"

"Aw! She admitted it!"

You rolled your eyes. "Shut up, weird hair."

"Oh, you wanna talk about hair now!?"

"Why? Can't you accept the fact that your hair looks so weird and the way you styled it just doesn't make sense at all!?"

"Be thankful that you're too pretty to fight with-"

"That's my girl you're flirting with Sendoh." Sendoh wasn't even able to finish his sentence when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Rukawa's cold eyes pierce through his carefree ones. Sendoh lets out a smug smirk.

"You sure tho?" He asked Rukawa teasing the hell out of him but was cut off again when he tries to say something, you whacked him on the back of his head.

"Stop starting a fight at a public place." You scoffed your eyes gazing at Rukawa.

"Alright! I'm outta here, don't want to see ya guys be dramatic or something. I'll just wait at the entrance!" That was Sendoh's cue to let the two of you 'talk'.

When the ravenette finally leave the two of you alone, silence filled the atmosphere. Like it would hurt if someone utters a word or starts a conversation. Rukawa gripped the strap of his duffle bag draped in his shoulders.

"Is the offer still up?" He asked in a monotone voice, cold and in a serious manner.

Your eyes squinted at him, eyes trailing from head to toe don't really get what the hell is he talking about. Not until you felt him flicked your forehead making you yelp.

"What the hell?" You muttered.

"The long-distance relationship you're saying, is that offer still up?"

You stiffened, lips parting. When Rukawa saw your eyes watering and scowling, he lets out a smile that was just too cruel for you to handle. You tried to stop yourself from crying, but there was no point in stopping it at all. Rukawa gets ahold of your wrist pulling you for a tight hug, you buried your face against his chest and start to rant yourself out in there.

"You're so fucking unfair being cruel like that." You mumbled against his chest.

"I don't want to see you cry, I might not be able to leave. But at the same time, you're too pretty when you cry. I just wanna watch you all the time." He replied, his hands making their way to the small of your back and your hair. His fingers start to comb your hair playfully, making you feel at ease.

"Alright, serious now. Stop crying already, here I thought you're going to be happy."


"I just..." you pause. "I'll miss your stupid ass," you sniffed and scowled at him again when you saw him smirking.

His hands were still playing with your hair. "It's not like I wouldn't visit you here." He said.

"The ticket is expensive, Kaede."

You felt him shrugged his shoulders.

"Who cares, I'm rich."

"Your parents are, you fool."

Just as when you are about to start another topic again, the two of you heard a constant reminder that you'll be parting your ways for now. You pulled away from your boyfriend's tight grip. Rukawa frowned upon hearing the announcement.

"So? You goin' to accept my offer or what?" You grinned.

"I accept your offer. Now, come back here give me a quick one," he blurted out his hands signing you to come closer again, you're a bit confused, but you did come close.

You gasp when he yanked you by pulling your wrist, a hand made its way to the back of your head Rukawa pulling you for a kiss. In no time, his lips against her, he didn't want to deal with people looking at the two of them. It's normal to kiss his girlfriend right?

When you respond in no time, he deepened the kiss making him crouch more with the height difference. After a long mad kiss, Rukawa pulled away before planting a kiss on your forehead.

"You said a quick one, that was a long one." You rolled your eyes, but despite that, the side of your mouth poke upwards.

"Whatever," he scoffs. "I have to leave now, I'll see alright?"

"Yeah, love you." You grinned.

He frowned. "Say it properly."

"It properly."

He snorted and stop himself from chuckling. "What a mean girlfriend."

"I love you."

Now, the side of his lips rose. "Likewise." He replied.


"I'm just kidding, I love you. Make sure to write letters," he said as he started to walk away.

Your eyes were watering at that time, but you managed to smile when he turned and face you for the last time.

"I promise!"

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