last, and the most worth it

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the end of Rukawa's list.

A Sunday morning only means one thing for Rukawa Kaede, 25 years old. Professional basketball player. Hobbies? Basketball, sleeping. What else? It doesn't really matter. Because, all that matters is, he wakes up again with the warmth of the bed filling his body.

He stared at your sleeping figure for a second, just like what he's always fond of; your head on his chest. Your legs on top of his. An arm around his torso. There's only one thing that he dislikes about that sleeping position, your hair scattering all over his neck and face. That sometimes became his alarm, waking him up anytime you move around in your sleep.

Living together doesn't come easy as it seems it may be. Aside from bills that he doesn't really worry about that much, there are just things that the two of you don't agree with. There are still differences, dislikes, and disagreement that sometimes leads to arguments. Even the small ones could turn into a big deal. But that's just how it works for the two of you.

With you still not waking up, he resorts to closing his eyes, mind drifting to going back to sleep again.

It didn't even feel like hours, the second time he woke up with the bed feeling cold and empty. He opened his eyes and found out that you already left him alone in the bed. He frowned. Just as when he's about to make his way out of the room and get his ass off the bed, you entered the room again with a mug in your hand.

"I made coffee," you said softly still in your morning voice. You let out a yawn, before placing the mug on the nightstand.

"Good morning." You almost whispered.

Rukawa gazes at you with you. His eyes start to study you, and how you look. Wearing his shirt that was way too big for you, but made you look so comfortable, your messy hair. The bliss in your eyes while fighting his gaze. He slowly picked the mug on the nightstand and took a sip from it, not taking his eyes off you.

"We have a few errands today," you blurted out. "Like groceries, but I'm too lazy. I'm afraid you're starting to taint me with your laziness, I just wanna sleep all day."

"It makes sense since we're adults now." That was all he said.

"Hey love, if I may ask. What's your favorite type of morning?" You asked him. His brows furrowed, his mind emphasizing the endearment, but then he also tries to comprehend what are you talking about.

One thing that Rukawa learned from this relationship is... he needs to be careful when answering a question from you. He remembered that one time, where he insensitively answered a question, that made you upset a lot. Giving him the silent treatment for almost a week. He didn't want that to happen again.

"Every morning with you is fine."

"Pfft," you snorted stopping yourself from laughing. He looked at you confused, his eyes narrowed. "I mean sure, that's acceptable. But what type? Like rainy morning or sunny?" You slowly laid on your back again, your head place on Rukawa's lap while he is still sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know idiot, you guess." He responded.

You frowned. "Alright, let me guess. You prefer rainy mornings!" You grinned.

"Oh? How can you say so?" Now, he's amused. All of a sudden, a smile making its way to his lips. You can now clearly see that he's interested.

"Well! Because rainy mornings are gloomy, and the bed felt warmer when it's rainy. The warmer the bed, the more reason to stay on it the whole day. Isn't that how things work with you?" You chuckled.

"Maybe..." he replied shortly.

"But I told you I prefer neither if it's a morning without you," he added. "The bed felt cold without you, even if it's a rainy morning. It always feels empty without you, so I suggest you wake me up the moment you woke, can you do that for me?"

You pause as you felt his hand playing with your hair. For some reason, that made your heart flutter, but at the same time, you felt extremely hot the way Rukawa said that.

"S-Sure, whatever." You felt your cheeks burning up.

"Look at you acting so brave then being flustered after a second pass. Just how are you so in love with me?"

"I literally wait for your stupid ass for almost three years," you frowned.

He chuckled. "Sacrifice, haven't you heard of that? Some people even wait a decade."

"What's with America and how did you become this smart always having comebacks on my remarks!?"

"You didn't answer my question, tho. How are you so in love with me, (Y/n)?"

Your eyes fluttered. The side of your lips rose as you glanced at Rukawa once again.

"More than you could imagine, asshole."

A soft and low chuckle escape his lips.


"Just say you love me, it wouldn't hurt for sure."

"I love you."

"Pfft, you're too much of a talker now huh? You can be easily ordered around. I like that," you laughed.

Rukawa's top tier in his list of reasons is probably the highlighted one. The name of his lover. The most prominent in his list. The last, but worth it. It's not really in order, but one of Rukawa Kaede's reasons for getting his ass off the bed in the morning is the one and only...

(Y/n) (L/n).

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