Chapter Twenty-Five

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Did I stay up all night to get this done for you lovelies? Yes, I did. Muah -Rae

"Aw, guys, this is too much!" Violet exclaimed once she saw the decorated living room. There were blue and purple streamers, similar colored balloons, snacks on the table, and a pile of games stacked in the corner.

Daija had been up since eight in the morning preparing for today. First she cleaned up the apartment, then she went and bought the supplies while Vi was still sleeping, then when Jamie and Devin showed up early, she had them help with the set-up.

Last night when she visited Aunt Celia, she asked for some good party-throwing tips, since she was basically an expert at it. She always threw her the most amazing birthday parties. She was incredibly lucky to have her.

"How many times do we have to go through this, Vi?" Devin asked as he tied the knot in a balloon. "Nothing's too much for you. We're celebrating your brilliance. OpalSpace is a pretty big deal!"

"Exactly," Jamie said as he finished setting up the table, "And didn't you say that Valerie Reid's daughter is your boss? That's incredible."

At the mention of Sierra, Vi blushed and looked down, but her smile didn't fade, "Yeah, she is incredible. I can't wait to work with her."

Daija grinned and walked to grab her phone to check the time. It was a little after eleven. "Alright, Hazel's on her way with your favorite. Oreo ice cream cake."

Vi gasped and seemed to smile brighter, "Really?!"

"Of course. Is it really your party without your ice cream cake?" She laughed, "Also, once the press conference is over, Jamie and I will go and pick up the pizza."

"Then we get the real party started and play these games," Devin said.

Daija looked over at Jamie and gestured for him to follow her, "Hey, can you come help me with something really quick?"

"Yeah, no problem," he said, leaving the table and following her to her room. Devin and Vi immediately started talking about OpalSpace.

Once they were both in, she shut the door and lowered her voice. "Alright, did you do the math?"

"Mhm," he nodded, "The pizza place is ten minutes from the new facility. It takes them about thirty minutes for them to cook it. Press conference is over at five, so that's when we leave here and place the order. We go to the facility for no more than twenty minutes, leave there, pick up the pizza, and if we do everything right, we're gone for no longer than forty-five minutes. Got it?"

"Yes. Wait, no- Who am I kidding? Write that shit down."

He laughed as he pulled out his phone, more than likely jotting it down in his notes app. He then asked, "So, any predictions about this press conference?"

"They don't seem nervous at all," She said as she started straightening up her room. Before everyone came over, she made sure to hide everything she stole from the heroes' bases. Even if someone were to purposely go digging, it would take them a while to find anything.

"Once the rapid-fire questions start, they'll sweat. Especially Fiona. She's not the best under pressure."

She made a mental note to write that in her journal later. When she closed her drawer and moved to start putting things in her closet, Jamie said to her, "Hey, you dropped something."

"What is it? My hands are tied at the moment."

"A piece of paper," he said, and her heart dropped when she heard him unfolding it, chuckling in amusement, "Oh? What's this?"

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