Chapter Twenty-Eight

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- 2 Days Later -

Aniya told the rest of the group that the meeting would be on Wednesday evening. It gave Daija time to mentally prepare for arguments.

It was five in the afternoon on Monday, and right after she got off of work, she sat in her room, analyzing the objects that she had stolen from some of the heroes' bases. To the left of her was the yellow flash drive, and to the right, Aniya's journal.

She grabbed her laptop and powered it on, reaching for the flash drive and plugging it into the side. Her eyes rolled when a password prompt popped up.

At least I'm on the right track. Anything that needs a password is something that needs to be hidden. She thought, pulling the flash drive out of her laptop and shutting it.

Her hands reached for the journal next, and she opened it, flipping through pages and skimming through them. It seemed like a memory journal from three years ago. There were tons of photos with small notes scribbled beside them. Most of them were group photos with all four of them. Some of them even included Simon, and Daija had to remember that they were all friends once.

There was a Polaroid picture with him and Aniya, and the other heroes were in the background. Her eyes drifted to the little lines of writing beneath the picture. I'm so in love with him and he'll never know.

Her jaw dropped, and the words came out of her mouth before she could think, "Was she serious?!"

She decided to keep flipping pages before she started laughing. She had to tell herself that she was going through someone's private thoughts, and she shouldn't joke about anything, even if she hated the woman. As she continued turning the pages, the photos changed.

Simon wasn't in them anymore, and neither was Ian.

On the last page that had anything in it, she found something interesting.

A is dead, B is gone, now I'm waiting for C. The last one.

Her brow raised, and she thought about what Justin told her the day after they started working with the Mayor. "We only felt that kind of shift twice before you. We felt it with Ian, and we felt it with Simon. Aniya made it our top priority to find you."

Daija pulled out her own journal and quickly wrote some things down.

The yellow flash drive is locked, but Aniya's journal had an interesting line. I've been thinking about how weird it was that she found me the MOMENT my powers manifested, and how this major shift only happened with the three of us. Now it makes a little more sense. She's been waiting for me. If I am "C", then that means Simon is "B" and Ian is "A." Before I go any further, I need to find out just HOW someone is able to receive powers, and why the three of us are different.

She reached for her phone, opening her contacts and scrolling until she found Jamie's before pressing the call button. He didn't have to work today, so she hoped that he wouldn't be busy with one of his projects.

"Hey, Daija," he said when the line connected.

"Hey," she smiled as she sat up, "Do you have some time? I have a question. Y'know, since you're my mentor and all."

"Go for it."

"Do you ever wonder how we got our powers?"

He was silent for a moment, then said, "I've been thinking about that ever since mine and Justin's manifested, if we're being serious. Why are you asking?"

"I've been trying to figure out what makes me so special," she chose her words carefully, "I want to know what makes me the Chosen One," she nearly gagged on the last bit.

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