Married To Andy Biersack chapter 4-fights

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Jinxx's POV

I was worried about Courtney last night when I was talking to her I noticed a bruise on her wrist. Who would her? Why was she so scared when I noticed it? Why would she hide it from us? I know Ash would never hit his sister, Jake would never do it. CC wouldn't he love her as a little sister like the rest of us. Andy's not hurting her is he? But why would he? I thought he loved Courtney? I need to talk to him.

End Jinxx's POV

Andy's POV

I woke up to see Courtney was still asleep. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. I love her but I just wish I could control my temper around her. I end up yelling at her and hitting when I let my anger get the best of me but I always regret it.I need to talk to her about yesterday.

"Courtney? Wake up" I said and shook my wife until she awoke.

"What is it Andy?" Courtney asked curiously

"Can we talk?" I asked

"Sure what about?" Courtney asked curious.

"Yesterday when I took the kids to the park I ran into Juliet" I said

"Oh" Courtney said and got up and got dressed.

"She  wanted me back but I refused" Andy said and turned me around so I was facing him.

"Courtney I need to know do you love me? Would you ever cheat on me?" I asked her.

I had to see if what Juliet said was true. I know Courtney though and I know she was too sweet to cheat on me.

"Yes I love you and I would never cheat" Courtney said. I then kissed her and hugged her.

"That's all I needed to know" I said and left the room with Courtney following behind. Once we were in the kitchen Jinxx asked to talk to me.

Jinxx's POV

When Andy came into the kitchen area with Courtney I asked if I could talk to him.

"What is it Jinxx?" Andy asked once we were alone

"I'll just get straight to the point. Are you hitting Courtney?" I asked curiously. 

"No of course not! What make you think that?!" Andy yelled

"Well It's just when I check on Courtney last night she had a bruise on her arm. Do you know how she got it?" I asked curiously

"You know Courtney she's clumsy" Andy said and walked away. Something's not right. I just brushed it off and headed into the kitchen area with the guys and saw Ash playing with his neice and nephew and Andy whispering to Courtney. WHat's going on with those two? I sighed and sat down and practiced my guitar.

Courtney's POV

I was talking to Ash about the whole singing carerr idea when Andy pulled me away.

"We need to talk. Now!" Andy whispered

"About what?" I whispered back but Andy just pulled me to our room and closed the door.

"What's this about Andy?!" I yelled but got a slap in the face for yelling.

"Don't yell at me! Why did Jinxx ask me if I hurt you?! DId you tell him I hit you?!" Andy yelled. I then got scared. Did Jinxx see one of my bruises? I thought

"I swear I didn't tell him Andy!" I said and put my hands on Andy's chest and looked at him but he just grabbed m wrist tightly and looked at me angrily.

"You're lying?!" Andy yelled

"No I'm not! He must of seen one of my bruises when  my shirt sleeve riled up" I said. ANdy then threw me to the floor.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again." Andy said and left me there to cry. I then fixed myself up and went out of the room to face the guys who all looked at me with saddened looks.

"Where's Andy?" I asked.

"He went for a smoke. What happened? He looked pissed?" Jake asked

"It's nothing. We just got into a small fight." I said and sat down and played with my kids until we were at the venue. Once we were there BVB performed and ended with New Religion. I then headed back to the bus and put the kids to bed. Once they wer alseep I went to ANdy and I's room not bothering to talk to the rest of the guys for the night.

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