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Four years later...

It had been four years since the Silver Moon incident. Jocelyn and Jordan resembled Jackson much more than Dean. The couple hadn't heard a peep from Silver Moon. They were informed recently that there had not been a single incident involving prostituting young omega's in exchange for favorable treaties in three years at least.

They also heard that three years after the incident, Dean had been forced to leave the Silver Moon pack because of his crimes, though Jackson thought it was more his father's attempt to save face. The next thing anyone heard from Dean, he'd found his own second chance mate and was striving toward creating his own pack with his mate by his side.

Changes also occurred in the Crimson Blood pack. Jackson and Clayton welcomed their first son, an omega named Jason, into the family a year after the twins were born. Two years after that, they welcomed another set of twins, a boy and a girl, named Justin, an alpha, and Jacklyn. The three children all resembled their daddy, with their papa's sea green eyes.

Jocelyn loved to read and Jordan loved to run around in her wolf form, terrorizing her parents and other pack members. Jason followed Jocelyn around like a little duckling, always wanting to be with his big sister no matter what. Justin and Jacklyn always wanted to be with their daddy, either in his arms, on his lap, or in his office coloring or playing with toys quietly while he did his Alpha work. Emerson babysat for them sometimes, with the older twins helping him corral their younger siblings, so Jackson and Clayton could have an evening to just be mates.

Shortly after Justin and Jacklyn were born, Jackson and Clayton were looking over their brood as Jackson softly spoke.

"I love all our children." Before Clayton had a chance to respond, Jackson went on, "however, if I end up pregnant again, I will castrate you. And it will not be pretty."

Jackson went to play with the children with a smile on his face, leaving Clayton standing there wide-eyed and slightly concerned.


A year after Justin and Jacklyn were born, Jackson woke up alone in bed, feeling a little nauseous. Within minutes of sitting up, the feeling rose to his throat and Jackson hurried out of bed and rushed to the porcelain throne. He stayed there for several minutes, dry heaving after and trying to catch his breath.

Dammit, he thought when he was finally finished. He flushed the toilet and washed his hands, gargling water to get the disgusting taste out of his mouth. I haven't felt this awful in a while. At least... a year.... shit...

Jackson hurriedly opened the medicine cabinet behind the mirror, and pulled out a pregnancy test.

He opened the box and thought, Clayton, you better hope this is negative or I'm coming after you...

With that thought, Jackson used the test, capped it, and left it on the counter upside down before leaving the bathroom to wait out the time doing something other than staring at the pee stick.

About 5 minutes later, Jackson returned to the bathroom, closed his eyes, and quickly flipped the test over, not really wanting to see the results, but also wanting to know if his suspicions were correct.

He slowly opened his eyes, glanced down slightly at the pee stick, and dropped it to the floor.

Two lines... there's two fucking lines...


The scream was so loud, everyone in the pack house heard it, and knew their Alpha was in some serious shit.

When Clayton heard the scream, he froze, his eyes widening in fear. "Oh shit..."

Within seconds Clayton was out of his chair and opening his office door, only to be met with the sight of his pissed off, now pregnant mate, holding a pair of scissors in his fist. (Point facing the floor of course, because any other way would be dangerous)

"Um... Hi...?" Clayton said awkwardly, trying to sidestep passed his mate without being caught.

"Hi?! Is that all you can say to me, hi?!" Jackson exploded. "I'm pregnant, you ass!!"

One pack member walking passed overheard, and cheerfully exclaimed, "Congratulations, Alpha and Lunos! I hope your new pup is healthy!"

Jackson turned his heated glare on the pack member, making the young teen cower in fear and bolt in the opposite direction.

Jackson looked back at Clayton and a very dark smile slowly formed. Clayton gulped audibly and slowly began backing up, increments so minuscule he hoped Jackson wouldn't notice.

"Do you remember what I told you would happen if I got pregnant again...?" Jackson asked in a fake cheerful voice.

Clayton swallowed hard. "You s-said you'd h-hug me tight...?" he tried.

"Bzzt, wrong answer! I said I'd castrate you! Now, I'll give you to the count of ten to start running. 1...2...3..."

Clayton turned on his heel and ran as fast as he possibly could, dodging pack members as he went, trying to find a place to hide from his murderous, pregnant mate.

"9...10! I'm coming for you!" Jackson felt in his pocket for the small device he'd use on his mate.

A size adjustable cock ring to make him suffer.

He calmly placed the scissors on Clayton's desk, and ran out of the office, chasing his mate through the pack house, excited for when he caught him.

Even as Jackson chased the man, he was grateful for the life he was given, and sent a giant thank you to the Moon Goddess who graced him with a Second Chance.


A/N: Hey all! Thank you so much for sticking with me to the end of this book! I know it took me FOREVER to get chapters out and I do apologize for that. You all know how life can just slap you in the face and you're left trying to pick yourself up? That's how it's been for me. But I was able to get the whole book finished and I'm so excited that I could even do something like that! This was my very first original fiction that I've written, my second story on Wattpad in total. I hope it was as fun to read as it was write!


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