The Gathering

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"Hey, honey." Rhonda cooed as she entered the living room.

I peeled my eyes from the tv to look up at her.

"Hey, dude." I croaked with a tired smile.

Rhonda came to the back of the couch I was sitting on and hugged me from behind. I leaned my head against her thick dreadlocks and held onto her wrist in acknowledgement of her hug. Work let me have a few paid days off after the Ghost Face incident. I knew nothing happened and I was lucky to be alive but it was still traumatic. Especially then seeing that a bunch of other people were murdered in the same night...

"So listen." Rhonda began.

"Kim's old friend, Carlton, is having a gathering at his tomorrow night. What do you think?" She asked.

"Isn't Carlton the one that accidentally set your dreads on fire at the work Christmas party?"

"Lil bit, yeah."

"Mm." I leaned back into the couch.

"C'mon, it'll be fun! I'm going, Kim's going. You like Carlton, remember? He also said he'll buy you drinks! He misses you. Plus, wants to take your mind off of... well, the incident." Rhonda looked away.

"It's okay. That's really nice of him. Okay, I'll go. I'm going to work tomorrow too anyway. So I'll be out and about." I had hid myself from the world for a few days in Kim and Rhonda's apartment.

I was scared to go out. What if he was out there? He was still out there, but tomorrow was Friday. I would go to work, maybe Danny would be there, go back to Kim's then to Carlton's.

Everything would be fine.

Kim and I pulled up to work on a crisp Friday morning. I bit my lip in an attempt to stifle my smile when Kim had to straighten her parking.

"I don't wanna hear it." The redhead hissed but I could tell she was trying not to smile either.

As Kim and I walked into work, I couldn't help but smile at her when she wasn't looking. I felt real safe around her. Kim acted like nobody was good enough for me and always bent over backwards to protect me. She was the same with Rhonda too. Those two made my heart melt, they were one of the cutest couples I knew.

I was immediately met with stares as we walked through the door and I felt like I was in high school or something.

"Oh, god. They're all looking." I murmured to Kim.

"Ignore them. Let's just sit down."

I cleared my throat and sat nonchalantly in my swivel seat while Kim did the same. She ran a hand through her curls casually and crossed her legs.

"So, keen for tonight?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, I think so. It'll be nice to get some fresh air, I guess."

"Yeah, and to get shit faced."


I sighed softly as I walked down the hall to the bathroom, a hand rubbing my arm anxiously. I was real tense and on edge, like every man I came into contact with was the Ghost Face. But that wasn't true. Nobody I knew was the Ghost Face...

"Mr Johnson?"

I perked up when I saw Danny down the hall, talking to a coworker. He peeled his dark eyes away from them to spot me, and his eyes softened.

"You're back." The journalist popped his pen and pad away and came trotting over to me.

"How're you feeling?" Danny put his hand gently on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm going good, thanks." I smiled shyly.

"That's good to hear. I was starting to get worried. Hadn't seen you around here in awhile." Said Danny.

"Thanks, Mr Johnson. But I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Just Danny is fine, sweetheart."

"Sorry, it's a habit."

Kim pulled into Carlton's driveway (she had to straighten up) and put the car in park. Rhonda flung the passenger door open then grabbed the six pack that was at her feet.

"See? This is what we need. A fucking break." Kim huffed before she grabbed her cooler from the back with a small grunt.

"Here, I'll take that. You just grab the wine." I took the heavy cooler from her grasp and followed Rhonda to the front door.

"Yo, Carlton!" Kim barked from the car.

Carlton suddenly appeared through the screen in the door. "Hey, guys!" Carlton beamed and held the door open for us politely.

"Hey, Carlton!" My smile matched his.

"Glad you made it! I haven't seen you in ages."

A few work friends and others I knew joined the gathering that night. We all sat in camp chairs around a fire bucket in Carton's shed. The sound of laughter and cans being cracked open was all that was heard over the music playing through the speaker.

"Alright, everyone. Gather 'round! It's time for shots!" Carlton held a bottle of vodka in one hand and shot glasses in the other.


And then I woke up naked in a field.

Haha, just kidding. I didn't get that wasted. But something odd did happen though.

Later in the night, my friends got drunker and drunker. Carlton was singing karaoke with this guy we knew from HR. Carlton's girlfriend, Tina, was in the corner petting the dog, while Kim and Rhonda were making out like it was the end of the world. I leaned against the wall when I struggled to stay standing upright, my vision blurred.

The yelling and the music and the bad singing was a little too much for my drunk mind at that moment so I stumbled out of the shed for the first time that night. I let out a sigh as I was met with the crisp night air. The stars twinkled down at me and the cicadas sung their repetitive song from underground. I trudged through the backyard, often having to lean against the house in an effort to stay on my feet. I looked around through the dark but my vision was only getting more blurred.

I was about to turn around and go back into the warm loud shed until I spotted a white blur amongst everything else around that blurred with it.

"Hey." It came out of my mouth but I didn't really know why.

I staggered forward accidentally and felt my eyes rolling back into my skull.

Shit, how much have I had to drink?

The white blur approached my drunk form rather quickly and I then felt leather clad hands on me.

I hiccuped and knew I was about to pass out so I went limp in the person's arms. My head fell back as I nearly fell to the grass with it. The person caught me just in time and held me like how a dancer would hold their dance partner after dipping them. I was lifted up more and found myself being held by them bridal style. I tried to fix my head and gently lifted it, my sight coming back. I wrapped my arms around their neck on instinct and tried to look up at them.

"Who...?" I slurred.

My eyes were met with a man's that were hidden behind a ghostly mask.

His grip on me tightened.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now