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"His eyes were shameful, traveling all over her, studying her, observing her, like some object. However, the way he watched her wasn't how other men looked at her, wanting to eat her or lusting for her; it was more of examining an odd creature or animal. Looking for falls or some damage in the merchandise, with so much arrogance and pride.

Still, she felt uncomfortable under his intense stare, many men looked at her and made her uneasy, but this was a different level of self-conscious; Ferah felt anxious and somehow scared, but couldn't do anything about it or can ask him to stop, it was his right he was the boss, and she was just his employ.

Ferah kept a polite smile as she continued listening to Mr. Çelebi was talking to Günes, avoiding looking in Iskender's direction.

And  she knew immediately she disliked him."

I've adapted the storyline from the #Alev Alev TV show to fit my fanfiction, incorporating some of the characters from the show into the narrative

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I've adapted the storyline from the #Alev Alev TV show to fit my fanfiction, incorporating some of the characters from the show into the narrative. Çiçek won't have a role in the fanfiction, except as Rüya's friend who tragically died in the fire Additionally, Iskender won't develop feelings for Ferah; while I like #CiCder, I prefer #BerBah.

The story picks up after the fire, similar to the events in the show. Iskender and Rüya's fathers were antiquities traders or smugglers who stored their goods in the restaurant. A fire broke out, unintentionally claiming 21 lives, including Iskender's best friends Shamal and Çiçek. Iskender didn't directly cause Çiçek's death, but his actions during the fire contributed to Rüya's decision to distance herself from him.

Following the fire, Çelebi and Iskender pinned the blame on Rüya's father, leading him to take his own life. Rüya harbours intense hatred towards them, holding them responsible for her father's death.

Cemre, Çelebi's wife, attempted to escape from him, but he forcibly brought her back. To maintain control, he manipulated her into appearing mentally unstable and institutionalized her, traumatizing their daughter in the process. The girl, unable to attend school due to her trauma, receives home tutoring, which is where Ferah comes in.

Ferah's backstory from the show #Servet is discarded, and I've crafted my own narrative for her, only borrowing her character and name. However, I've completely altered her personality, as I found her portrayal in the show too fantastical for my tastes. You'll uncover more about Ferah and the people in her life as you delve into the chapters.

Iskender Kayabeyli

Meet Iskender, a 27-year-old embodiment of greed, arrogance, and ambition. He's a vicious manipulator who stops at nothing to achieve his desires, regardless of the methods he must employ. For Iskender, the end always justifies the means, and moral boundaries are mere inconveniences on his path to success.

Ice Heart & Ember Eyes(Servet-Alev Alev)BerBah-CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now