My Demeanor is Meaner than Yours-Part 1

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Three weeks had swiftly passed since Ferah began her job in the Kayabeyli's household. Her work with Güneş, her amiable student, was both joyful and fulfilling, with her skills improving noticeably each day. Eager to learn more, Ferah embraced every opportunity for growth.

Her living arrangements remained pleasant, often spent her free time and meals with other household employees. While her interactions with other household members were minimal, Mr. Çelebi, preoccupied with his election campaign, occasionally checked in on her progress with his daughter, However, their interactions remained brief, leaving Ferah yearning for more engagement with him, but his busy schedule made it impractical.

Madam Hülya's involvement mainly revolved around providing information on Güneş's condition or issuing directives to Ferah regarding the household rules and her granddaughter's daily needs. Ferah maintained a respectful distance from the older woman, focusing primarily on her duties.

As for the enigmatic figure with the yellow eyes, Ferah's interactions with him were limited to chance encounters in the hall, on the stairs, or in the house corridors. During these encounters, he would often pass her with an air of haughtiness and coldness, merely acknowledging her presence with a distant nod or a cool glance. Occasionally, he would offer a sarcastic bow and a smile, maintaining a veneer of gentlemanly affability.

His shifting moods did not perturb Ferah, as she recognised that they had nothing to do with her. The fluctuations seemed to be driven by causes entirely disconnected from her presence or actions.

"So tell me, love, how are the Kayabeylis treating you? Is everything going well?" Aunt Maryam inquired, as they both sipped tea while seated on her terrace overlooking the small garden behind her house. Ferah regularly visited on weekends.

"Great, they are very punctual and strict about the work, but respectful and professional in dealing with their employees," Ferah replied, nodding as she recalled the three weeks she had spent at the Kayabeyli's villa.

" Good," it didn't take her a second to glance back at Ferah asking " What about the Kayabeylis Devil?" She spits after his name making sure she chests out the Devil himself," Did you interact with him ?"

"No," She replied honestly however Aunt Maryam's looks indicated she wanted more information. "He's out of the house most of the time. I don't see him, and he comes very late at night, past my sleeping time." Ferah made sure not to mention that they were on the same floor of the house, so as not to make her aunt paranoid.

"I see. Good, good," the old woman nodded, more to herself than to Ferah. Her overprotectiveness towards Ferah was palpable, stemming from a deep-seated paranoia. Despite sometimes it seemed suffocating, she couldn't help but worry incessantly, especially considering the misfortune Ferah had experienced throughout her life. Despite her attempts to remain composed, her maternal instincts always seemed to take over, leaving her unable to stop fussing over Ferah's well-being.

"Are you going to meet Virda this week?" Aunt Maryam inquired, her tone betraying her disapproval. She had never been fond of Virda, considering her reckless and unruly behaviour. Virda's ill-mannered demeanour and numerous escapades with men only fueled Aunt Maryam's disdain. She viewed Virda's lifestyle as undesirable, fearing that her influence could corrupt Ferah. Despite both girls having endured difficult times in life, Aunt Maryam remained wary of Virda's presence in Ferah's life.

"Yes, Aunt," Ferah replied, meeting her aunt's disapproving gaze with determination. "She is my friend, and I will always stand by her and support her, even if you don't approve of her lifestyle." Ferah's words conveyed her unwavering loyalty to her friend, regardless of any objections from her aunt.

Ice Heart & Ember Eyes(Servet-Alev Alev)BerBah-CrossoverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя