Chapter 5: Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Swimming

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Hello! Once again, my name is Mitsu, And, today is a special day.

It's my birthday!

Well, it was my previous body's birthday. In truth, I have been reincarnated to my favorite anime, Haikyuu, as Koyama Shigeo. And now, I face one of the greatest challenges in this life.

After the Tsukishima family visited me, Tsukki's mom promised to bring me out of the hospital soon. I took the promise with a grain of salt and smiled while saying that I look forward to it. Well, it happened sooner than I expected.

The next morning, my brother came around lunch time-just after Hana left. With a death glare, he handed me casual wear and a pair of sneakers.

"Get dressed. Be out in five." He briefed. Then he was out like lightning. Huh. Hello to you too.

Some brother he is.

However, I did appreciate the new change of clothes. I wonder if this is a result of what Tsukki's mom had promised.

As soon as I was finished changing, I went outside my hospital room. I cherished the fact that this time, there were no screams of agony from the nurses. Ah~ the breath of freedom.

Then, a nurse led me outside the hospital to a white car. The chauffer ushered me inside the car where I found Cairo sitting beside me. I faced my brother who was, for once, out of his doctor's coat. He wore a purple traditional yukata.

The next thing I know, we drove through a mountain and entered a big ass Japanese fort. The car passed by the gates and I was greeted by a seemingly endless garden. The road went on and on, and I didn't know how long we were traveling, but after what seemed like eternity, I was starting to see the outline of a beautiful Japanese-style mansion.

I knew the Koyama family was filthy rich. But, I didn't expect them to be rich like, Crazy Rich Asians.

After we reached the large mansion, everything went by in a blur. Now, I'm sitting in front of my brother in *seiza. Behind him was the altar of Mother-dear, and Father-dear-as well as our other relatives and even our ancestors. Their pictures were set up in hierarchy, intricately designed to show the transition of power from one family head, to the next.

And now, my brother sat at the 'throne', symbolizing his authority as the current head of the family.

It was suffocating. In this huge tatami room, I could only hear the faint chirping of birds from outside, as well as my own breathing. My brother stared at me, silently sipping tea. I too, tried to concentrate on the sweet taste of tea to ignore the feeling of impending doom in the pit of my stomach.

"So, you still can't remember anything." Cairo broke the silence by initiating conversation. I gulped.

"Yeah-uh, no. Can't remember. Haha." So awkward. I wonder how Cairo and Shigeo used to talk before I possessed his body. I mean, I can't really imagine the two brothers having any decent conversation at all.

"Although you're out of the hospital, I think it would be better if you stayed at home for the time being." Cairo nonchalantly proclaimed.

"What?! No!!" I stood up in retaliation.

Then, the unexpected happened.

An attendant announced the arrival of guests. Then, the sliding door opened to reveal the Tsukishima family. My heart stopped.

"Welcome, Rei-san." My brother greeted Tsukki's mom so warmly, even standing up from his chair. I looked at him like, wuhhhhht?

What's with the 180-turn?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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