Chapter 2: Deranged

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"Shigeo-sama!! Come back here!" From a distance, I heard my nurse call out to me. But frankly, I didn't care.

"Whoo!!" I was having the time of my life running on the hallways of the hospital.

I've never felt so alive. 

Ehem, ehem. Hi there, my name is Koyama Shigeo. Until recently, I went by the name of Kawakami Mitsu. That was, before I got reincarnated.

Yep. You heard me right.

I've been reincarnated.

I mean, that's the only plausible reason right? New face, new body—and new dick by the way. After Cairo (my new brother) left me, I proceeded to thoroughly checked my bottom half. 

You'd never believe what I saw.

A penis. 

Surprise, surprise—but I wasn't as surprised as I thought I would be. Maybe that's because I'm familiar with the male anatomy (for several reasons, ehem). I mean, I read BL manga as a hobby. So, there you have it. 

I've been reincarnated as a guy. 

You might be wondering, 'how can this girl accept this fact so quickly, without panicking or crying, or being worried?' The answer is simple. Dude, I'm a weeboo—an otaku, and a fujoshi to boot. I've seen a dick, and I've read more than a hundred manhwas to know that after being reincarnated, my life would definitely be a thousand times better.

Oh, and all my regrets from my past life will be fulfilled in this life. So, what's there to be worried about? 

Even now, I'm fulfilling one of my greatest regrets. 

"Koyama-sama!! What are you—?!" One of my doctors exclaimed in surprise as I passed him.

"Hi!!!" I greeted, before I dashed off.

Running has never been so fun. Living my previous life as an asthmatic, I've never been able to do anything strenuous. Yet, here I am—with the help of this new body—running like I've never before.

I love this new life. 

"Excuse me!" I giggled, passing by some children. They waved at me. I waved back with a big smile. 

That's probably why I bumped into a person in front of me. Despite inertia being a bitch, I was able to maintain my balance. Oh my gods—this body has really good vestibular senses. Back then, I was so clumsy it was probably a curse to be near me.

I got a little teary—just innocent tears of pure bliss.

"Gosh, are you okay?" Asked the person that I bumped into. I nodded my head, getting a little shy.

Maybe it's because this is a reincarnation story. But why is this place crawling with *ikemen?! Even this side character in front of me was totes hot. He was almost as handsome as Cairo. I might have drooled a little. 

The guy in front of me flinched. Oops. Might've weirded him out. 

"A-anyway, take care!!" He yelled before running off.

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